Lowkey better than the base game until they gate your progression by forcing you to do basically every sidequest

I am convinced this game is not even in sync with the music but hehe hit bongos funny chimp chump

Excellent party game but why do you need to play through the entire single player first to get to the Multiplayer Stuff(?) bizzare

Average Layton game but the title screen music is such a jam so that bumps it up a few points

The level design in this game is the video game equivalent of running barefoot through a room filled with LEGO with a blindfold on

I think they forgot that this was a series where people care about the writing and the continuity considering they just rewrote Apollo's backstory (again)

Played this instead of paying attention in any of my gamedev classes

Would be a perfect 5/5 if The Dazzles didn't exist

I was very depressed when I played this and I thought it would cheer me up and it didn't and therefore a spiraled further. sorry Kirby it's not your fault

I feel like everything in this game is a solid good-to-OK scale but the 2D platforming is so floaty and bland and that knocks it down

IS needs to make a Fire Emblem game in this style that's actually fun

If I could bottle the aesthetic of this game and slap it onto another game that's actually fun? That would be one of my favourite games ever.

I was really enjoying this but I lost the cartridge like a decade ago so :<

I might be blinded by nostalgia so I'll need to go back and play this one but I remember it being spectacular and I loved how it pushed the boundaries of weirdness with the Mario IP