I think they forgot that this was a series where people care about the writing and the continuity considering they just rewrote Apollo's backstory (again)

This could probably be 5 stars if I was right handed

Ultimate comfort game, the amount of times I have just opened up the story mode and done a playthrough, or done a few Platinum runs of the mission mode. Spectacular

Absolutely excellent melding of the supreme polish of 3 with the cool experimentation of 2. It feels like the big shake-up entry that completely expands the series - the Metroid Prime or Ocarina of Time to Pikmin 3's Super Metroid or Link to the Past. I can see this being so many people's favourite Pikmin game, and this was the exact game they needed following up 3 and the 10 year hiatus.

For me, I think it's so huge and grand that it somewhat overstays it's welcome - ultimately that fast paced problem solving life organising feeling of Dandori was better felt in 3 for me. I'll never say no to more Pikmin, and almost everything they tried was a success - but on a personal level 3 might still remain my favourite just for how comforting it feels to crack open that game, try and do a faster run or perfect a Mission Mode stage.

It's still supremely excellent though, and one of the best times I've had on the Switch!

If I could bottle the aesthetic of this game and slap it onto another game that's actually fun? That would be one of my favourite games ever.

Would be a perfect 5/5 if The Dazzles didn't exist

Functional (and somewhat fun!) but ultimately unmemorable for a Sonic game. It’s interesting seeing a Boost game with far smoother turning and less hallway-like design, but in turn lacks a lot of the cinematography and impact of the Boost games, or momentum-based fun and endearing worlds of the Adventure games.

It doesn’t do much aside from providing some fun bitesized Sonic gameplay - which is excellent for an Apple Arcade title, but it always feels like it’s reaching for something a bit more. It feels like Apple gave them a good amount of budget to put into creating these really nicely designed models and level environments, but the general interface and storybook panel cutscenes feel really low budget - which causes it to sit on a weird in-between plane between substantial experience and Cotton Candy Fluff Of A Game. Nothing bad, nothing offensive, but also not much to stick your teeth into.

it's like Tetris Effect meets Wii Fit meets Spore but like. far better than the nightmare version you're imagining in your head

just a few super zen motion based minigames with the most serene vibes and sound design. check it out Kinect fans!!!

IS needs to make a Fire Emblem game in this style that's actually fun

Very rarely do I play a game and think "wow, they programmed this wrong" but this is the one

everything about this game is amazing except the gameplay

The pacing is bad, the level scaling is bad, 95% of the trainer fights are unfun due to Pokémon choice. But the vibes are excellent!

Excellent vibes but everything after the 3rd dungeon in this game (aside from the final boss) is like. complete dogshit I'm sorry

Barely functional, terribly paced. Every new Pokémon game that releases you can feel how much further rushed the developers are and it just makes each new game feel even more hollow than the last.

Fun to make stupid looking avatars with friends - the rest of the game isn't stupid enough to make up for how bad it is

Everyone will tell you to play this game and for good reason