How do you follow up the masterpiece that is Woolly World with... This?

The visuals are the only part of this game that's decent. And they're far lesser than wool.

The level design sucks, the backwards levels, while conceptually cool, are extremely boring, and I've practically never seen a game with collectibles that feel this tedious to collect. This game is a completionist's nightmare, not because of difficulty, but just tedium. I believe 6 playthroughs of every single level is the minimum requirement, but it's been a while at this point.

And for every single run of every single level for the entire game... You have a single, awful song grating against your ears the entire time. Yes... A single song. It's adaptive, at least, changing to fit the theme of the level... But come on...

One of very few Switch titles I actively regret buying, and every time I look at it on my shelf, I can only think, "Why didn't they just port Woolly World?"

This game is built around the concept of "dandori," yet offers the lowest dandori ceiling of any game in the franchise. From the 3 type limit to the two playable characters having different movesets, the game is limited in the types of challenges it can throw at you. Because of these limitations, it feels like there are fewer strategies for the player to come up with, and there are fewer puzzles than ever that require specific types of Pikmin.

Most bosses die so quickly that they pose no threat to your Pikmin, and you barely even get to learn their patterns. Enemies in the overworld don't respawn, and it feels so rare to actually face danger in this world. Even going for full completion, all platinum medals in the challenge stages... Is far easier than it was in the other entries.

As for caves, I like the idea that time still passes when you enter them, just a bit more slowly. It adds a bit more strategy in deciding what encounters you should dive into on any given day. However, they are far too short on average. There were numerous lengthy caves in Pikmin 2, whereas there's a grand total of one cave in 4 that goes beyond 5 floors. On top of that, fewer of them have bosses, lessening the challenge seen in 2's caves even more. Also, the rng in some of 2's caves helped add replay value, which is no longer seen in this game.

As for the story... Not only is it a reboot, not only is there more dialogue than ever... But the dialogue adds less than ever. Gameplay is more important, of course, but it's certainly a bit disappointing when the other games have all had great narratives, even if they are generally pretty simple.

This may sound contradictory, as the game is already too easy, but there are several late game upgrades that are completely pointless by the time you get them. On top of that, it was less satisfying to gain most upgrades through a "shop" instead of from bosses or exploration like in previous games.

At the end of the day, it's still Pikmin, so I still adore it, but I am a bit disappointed compared to how much I have enjoyed the previous entries. Unlike the other games, I feel like this game offers very few incentives to play through it a second time. However, I do want to praise how perfect of an introduction this game should be for newcomers to the series, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing waves of new fans experience these fantastic games.

Look, I'll be the first to admit that this is not what anyone wanted from the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. However, it is still a perfectly adequate game, and it was honestly ahead of its time in several ways. Heck, look at all the comparisons people were making when they showed off vehicles in Tears of the Kingdom. If Banjo hadn't been wrongly slapped on the face of this game, I think it would've been remembered a lot more fondly.

Give it another try if you've played it, try to play a bit more objectively, look at it from a fresh perspective instead of longing for a real Banjo game.

Initially, I was never the biggest fan of 3D World. I played it on Wii U, and it was honestly one of my least favorite Mario games.

But man, this version fixes practically all of the problems I had with the game. Most notably, the speed increase that was applied to all the characters. Wow, it makes a world of difference, it feels like an entirely different game, and it actually makes playing through the game again extremely enjoyable. And then online play too? Awesome.

And we haven't even talked about Bowser's Fury... Wow. One of the best experiences I have ever had, and if it was a bit longer, it would be worthy of a 5/5 all on its own. Bowser's Fury is absolutely phenomenal, and makes this game a must-play, even for those that owned it on the Wii U.

As a huge fan of both golf and golfing games... This is just not it, man. The models and animations look really bad for a Switch game, the new modes are not only quite few in number, they're also awful, especially Speed Golf. This is somehow worse than most PGA games, which is honestly an impressive feat. That said, if you want a convenient game you can play with a single joy-con with a great group of friends, this game can be enjoyable with motion controls.

At the end of the day, play literally any other golf game. 0/10.

Absolutely goated. This is my favorite game of all time, that's all that needs to be said.

Incredible, but not quite as replayable as some of the older games, as it can feel a bit bloated if you're trying to strive for 100%. As someone who frequently goes for 100% in Sunshine, this doesn't offer quite that same level of enjoyment... But it's still one of the greatest games ever made.

They took the best racing game ever made, gave it the battle mode it deserved, and soon it will have a whopping 96 tracks! Truly an unbeatable experience.

The most satisfying 2D platformer ever made. Madeline's moves are incredibly simple, yet also incredibly versatile. This game offers all kinds of accessibility features for those that need them, while also offering massive challenges with the Golden Strawberries for those who just can't get enough. The story is incredible, hitting some very deep notes, often a bit too close to home. Top it all off with an absolutely stellar soundtrack, and you have a experience that you will remember for a lifetime.

And of course, trans rights are human rights <3

An underrated gem. An instant classic. The best golf franchise that has ever existed. Please, if you haven't played it, do so.

This game is insanely impressive. It has the most strategic boardplay in the franchise, some of the greatest minigames the series has ever seen, and the most engaging story mode by far. On top of that, they added a Duel Mode, which is easily the most polished side mode they've ever made. In over two decades, they've never even managed to come close to the perfection that is Mario party 3.

Easily the best 2D Zelda game, and now it has incredibly pretty visuals to complement it!

Majora's Mask, in any of its versions, is my favorite 3D Zelda game. I have a hard time, however, choosing which version I prefer. Unlike most people, I think that most of the changes in the 3DS version were for the better, especially the boss fights. However, I do find the new movement patterns for the Deku and Zora masks hard to accept. Regardless, this game is an absolute masterpiece, however you choose to play it.

While this game, admittedly, has some pretty major blemishes in certain stages... It still manages to be one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had. To this day, it remains my #1 favorite Mario game.