7 reviews liked by FacilityHues

There’s almost no point playing this now that TOTK is out and it’s basically the same but 800% better, but this is still a genre-defining game regardless. If any game has to influence other games for the next ten or so years, I’m glad it’s this one.

Nintendo: “so that’s all the game boy advance games coming to NSO Expansion Pack, time for the last smaller news for the day”

“yeah that was cool I guess”

Nintendo: “Metroid Prime is fully remastered for the Switch by the way and we’re shadow dropping it later today.”

“yeah that was HUH”

They should've called this a remake, because everything about this version of the game feels fresh and modern. This is about the slickest version of the game you could ask for, and it runs buttery smooth in both handheld and on the TV. This is how to do a re-release of one of the greatest games of all-time.

It is absolutely insane to me that we've started this year off with two shadow drops that fuck so hard

Me, normally: My stupid dumb ass switch is just a paper weight at this point, piece of shit underpowered console run by a shit company who makes games for toddlers.

Me when Metroid Prime Remastered comes out: Here's 40 Dollars Sir! May I Shine Your Shoes? Let Me Hang Your Coat Up Mr. Nintendo!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

This gets 5 in a row. And also you can quack at people, and there's no levels. And also there's two player. The funniest thing was quack and steal things from people and put them in my BANK which is in my home, which is a big grassy hole. And also I love a glass of milk after I have cookies or like HEY NOT THAT PART, DADDY DON'T DON'T WRIIITEEE

Bo Burnham really outdid himself with this one!