[TOP] Resident Evil

my personal ranking just scratching the surface of why i love these games

Best gun-action game of all time due to the great weight every gun and enemy carries in the gameplay, demanding that you give it your all in this adventure.
It does not need a remake.
Frenetic and highly replayable. It may sacrifice the unique levels of 1 and 2 but prioritizes decision making and inventory management more.
Incredible action game with a ton of possibilities for combat and silly action. About the chapters...
-Leon: Very vanilla, good for getting used to the mechanics
-Chris: The best campaign, not only the most epic but the one that demands the most of your abilities
-Cherry: A combination of the two former. Very hard, everything wants to kill you.
-Ada: The least fun.
greatly replayable game with expanded guns, world and enemies from RE1
the best designed mansion of all time
(Haven't play the remake yet)
A greatly done remake that focuses more on tension and atmosephere.
Not as great as the ps1 titles due to some tedious level design choices but a solid RE experience.
Toned down level design and an incredibly poor enemy variety. But still manages to build up tension and is a fun little adventure.
Okay action but not too remarkable. Play it with a friend to fully get the most of. Curious how here you are more limited than in its prequel.


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