111 Reviews liked by FaterMoon

Amazing soundtrack, top notch atmosphere, cool characters and artstyle, the combat part is enjoyable tbh but eventually gets repetitive(also small enemy variations). The story is pretty damn good, it's amazing getting to know your enemies' story and what keeps them going forward(besides trying to not die). Playable Saber is just the best.

I have played Fate/Extra after watching a friend play

I am now a Rock Paper Scissors expert.

I have to say, Atlus knew exactly what they were doing when they created Rin

another flawless VN experience man

What a beautiful sequel to one of the best visual novels I have ever read.

This game introduces new characters, fleshes out old ones,explores new themes and even goes one step beyond by giving you a choice of what scenes to read first instead of just a story unfolding with you just reading for hours on end, while also paying its respects to every single thing that came before it. As many have already said Nasu has really outdone himself with this entry, I was honestly astonished from what this sequel accomplished despite all the expectations it had to live up to.

"I, too, wanted to yearn for something that I felt was beautiful just as you do."

Final rating:
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/801774175379128330/977942913642295296/PECv0vV8MLCfnnhm.mp4 /10.000.000

I suck ass at this game and usually end up just killing everyone I see, but the game lets you do just that and its pretty awesome

A follow-up to 2016′s HITMAN, HITMAN 2 expands upon it in almost every way. The briefcase is back. Blending mechanics have been added for big crowds and bushes. The levels are orders of magnitude larger and while there’s only 5 of them, they’re all of the quality of 2016′s Sapienza level. There are also a couple of new modes too. One of which is a Sniper Assassin level where you are perched in a sniper’s nest overlooking a wedding and given many targets to take out, and the other is a multiplayer versus mode where you race against another player to take out a target faster.

But perhaps the most pleasantly surprising improvement has been in the quality of writing, specifically for 47′s character. You can tell they spent a lot more time ensuring he has lines for some of the more whacky scenarios he can end up in, especially when he gets the chance to talk directly to his targets. HITMAN 2 is ultimately more of the same, but it’s a lot more and definitely the game worth picking up if you’re a fan of the series or stealth games in general.

My favourite game of all time and the one that made me fall in love with JRPGs. Tremendous cast of characters and a fun murder mystery plot.

This game makes you wish you had friends.

Strikers, also known as scramble, is an interesting game. It takes place directly after 5 but has a completely different combat format but also carries the palace system, RPG building of characters, and party crafting. For me it was quite a fun game, but lacked a lot of depth in the Warriors style. If it pushed the player to be more creative I would have enjoyed it quite a bit more.

Similar to Yakuza: Like a Dragon, P5S is a follow-up to Persona 5's story that ditches the JRPG mechanics for musou gameplay and its a switch that I wouldn't mind sticking around. Battles are fast and fluid, a level of challenge is maintained, and most characters are really fun to play is. Writing is pretty solid too, definitely don't pass this game up if you liked Persona 5.

I remember when this came out and just thought "Oh, Persona 5 Warriors. Neat."
Fast forward about 2 years later and i've found my favorite spinoff in the series, and my second favorite game in the series in it's entirety.
It is ridiculously good. The gameplay's great, but the writing's what really blew me away here. It's themes are very cohesive, and all of the new characters are incredible. It's incredibly refreshing to see how much the Phantom Thieves have grown too; none of the things that bugged me about the original game are to be found here, as everyone's more than familiar enough with everyone to get along; which avoids a very poorly timed Morgana arc (who now gets along with Ryuji so well that they even end up trash talking a certain boss together).
It's still got arcs per character, although in a different order later on; and most importantly, it actually does Haru justice this time. Her arc's really good, which i'm really happy about.
Most importantly though, Kuon Ichinose is now one of my favorite characters in the entire series! Whether intentional or not, her character arc is a fantastic allegory for people on the spectrum, and as such it really helped me be more confident about that. Definitely one of the main reasons i enjoyed this game so much.

But yeah, can't recommend it enough! It's a lot better than i would've expected, that's for sure.

Lost count of how many times I ejaculated to Makoto's combos