Fucks my ADHD ass right up.

My friend adores this game but it really isn't for me. I'm very much a story focused gamer and this just doesn't have it. It very much seems like I could get anything this game offers in a more enticing package which is a shame.

I'm not saying its amazing but it helped fill a diablo sized hole in my heart.

I played this years ago and found it enjoyable but I remember being a touch disappointed by the ending.

It's just a good vibe. It's advanced jigsaw puzzling and weirdly enough my friends love it when I stream it.

There's not a lot here but it's great when you need a smile.

High Camp. Must Play. Very Problematic.


It's really just not for me, I think it's for someone but I am not that someone.

So enjoyable I played it in one night.

I don't know why it doesn't feel good to play compared to others in the same genre. It just scratches a negative itch, if you get what I mean.

Taught me how frustrating it is to play co-op with me in a single player experience, neat!

I enjoy playing with certain friends but its new monetization scheme is deeply disappointing.

I see a lot of people rating this game based on their cringey experiences especially within the fandom, but as someone that was never in it, this shit is tight. Loved it!

Genuinely makes me question my computer science degree.

It's serving exactly what it's selling, neither good nor bad just exactly what you want.