I let out the biggest HUUUUUUUH on the twist from the last trial. Amazing last game to the series!! Going into it I was curious how this was all going to end and the payoff was more than I expected. It's starting to hit me that it's all over now and it saddens me as I write this review but I'm also glad I don't have to worry about spoilers now

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Going straight into this, the 2 biggest questions I had in my mind were 1) is the outside world really in ruin? and 2) who are the ultimate despairs? Never did I imagine that the antagonists mentioned in Dangan 1 were gonna be the main cast of Dangan 2. Throughout the entirety of this game I thought "oh, how is this class related to the main cast of the first game?" and the revelations in the last investigation and class trial blew me the fuck away!!!! It's still just crazy to me we got a whole game centered around the "despairs". Dangan 1 was already damn good but 2 just elevated everything. Also it was nice to see they added IF and after reading that, Mukuro is easily one of my favorite characters in this series!!

Art and dialogue was superb but was let down just a bit. Having to go back and redo days to get all the endings was a no-go for me and the only bad thing I gotta say.

Only bad thing I gotta say about this game is the weird controls for moving on controller. Other than that, the characters, designs, class trials, music, and plot were all damn good!! Definitely the best visual novel I've played! I also loved how long some of the trials were. Spent 3 & a half hours on the last one. Overall, an enjoyable, wild rollercoaster!!

I liked NI for different reasons than the first but still a solid sequel. I enjoyed the mystery and climax in SF more but NI's dialogue & somniums get the upper hand.

A lot funner than the first but some of the areas needed to progress were too small to see but I might just be nitpicking. The ship area was my favorite.

Gameplay is chef's kiss, boss fights are chef's kiss, and the OST is unreal. Hard mode is unbelievably fun too.

Gameplay was definitely a lot smoother than berseria's and I loved berseria's. As for story, Berseria's felt a lot more contained so I enjoyed that one more. Overall, I enjoyed arise even tho endgame felt dragged out.

The combat was amazing in this game with a great cast of characters and one hell of an adventure! Glad this game was my introduction to the tales series!

I have no idea what just happened

One of the few games where it didn't feel like I played it for 80 hours & thrilled that I could add more since I haven't finished all the side missions or gigs!! Night City was something else. Really glad I waited to play this 👌.

My first megaten game & I sunk 83 hours into it. Not once was the gameplay boring. Looking forward to the next!!!!!

After completing the base game a year ago and now the dlc, I'm just happy to have "experienced" Outer Wilds one last time thru EotE. I'm glad with how much more focused it is on the horror aspect (which the solar system needed some more) and new mechanics (not reusing quantum rules). Add in some more phenomenal music from Andrew Prahlow, it was gonna be tough to be disappointed. Thank you so much for Outer Wilds, Mobius Digital.