I'm playing this trash until I hit the paywall, I am currently very close (Chapter 12, Rank 15) and will update this review after for actual reasons this game is terrible besides the translation and deal prices

I really love this game so far, there is just so much more simple complexity (haha) in the level design compared to the previous (even though I love those two all the same). I can't wait for more from this game

I agree that this one is certainly more likable than Mask of the Sun. The cutscenes are very well done and the art for inside homes is very lovely

That being said, certain areas like the final area and the sanctuary are annoying due to the area design and enemies that do too much damage. Most of the boss fights are fair and fun, and you are actually able to level up if they're too challenging as well. It's solid

Whew. Very poor design decisions... let's see... Comodo is one of the most unnecessarily confusing cities I've seen, I did not need to play another game with flashing poison indicator, fast enemies will kill you especially if you're being juggled, Silver Citadel w/ darkness + narrow was horrible, final area grinding sucks with no teleport waypoint
I didn't fight the final boss at max level just because it would have taken forever

That being said though, I did feel like I understood where everything was in relation to each other, not as linear as Dawn. The bosses were extremely easy as long as I avoided their attacks (except Gruda what were they thinking that guy was almost as bad as SNES Galbalan)

The arcade style was pretty fun, wish I didn't have to pay for stuff though
I also lost my progress and my Taito account is so confusing, I doubt I'll be able to get my progress back

The music was pretty solid and the idea was very wacky, I don't remember why I can't remember the story though. I remember the menus were hard to navigate, did I have to pay for it? I quickly looked at the soundtrack on YouTube and think my favorite was Aoba by ARForest

I wanted to get to the good remixes and character stories, but couldn't beat the gacha

It astounds me that I was able to play for this long, it was in fact P2W requiring me to level up my characters in order to get more stars to unlock new content
How was it interesting

I think I was genuinely invested for a while, but the difficulty spike and gacha made me quit
Didn't get to pull for the Trails collabs

looks like i wasn't impressed with the beginning or something

why did i play this lol
i looked up a picture of the title screen and kind of remember it, i think it was too p2w for me though

Stage 2 and Extra go so hard
I think the bosses were pretty fun, I can't remember though since I couldn't get past World 3

I don't remember how far I got, but I didn't reinstall before it ended
Looking at gameplay, I don't remember this at all lmao

The designs are pretty good and the amount of mythology they have represented is also fascinating. The game scares me with how many ways you can enhance your monsters and customize them
If you're not trying to pull specific monsters and evolve certain monsters all the way, the gacha is very fair

Never bought the full version, fun for a little to just run around the generated worlds that didn't have anything special on them though, just scanning everything