I played this alongside Seasons, like literally switching every session, and I appreciated how the world could change so much and lead you to far away areas with a single use of the time mechanic. Very enjoyable
Symmetry City, Moonlit Grotto, and Secret Maze on the Sea of No Return are all great tracks.

Crown Dungeon. I specifically remember hating the stupid blocks and wanting to blast my ears out lmao

It felt very much like an escape room, where you're constantly looking for a way to do this, and when you find that way then you unlock some new spaces that allow you to find more different roadblocks. I really enjoyed this gameplay loop, and the seasons mechanic was really fun too. Dancing Dragon Dungeon, Tarm Ruins, and Ancient Ruins are all great tracks

Okay, here Poison Moth's Lair was really grating lol. Not as bad as Crown Dungeon though!

every match in every game feels the same, even bowling
i guess one of my sibling finds it fun though

It wasn't really for me, but I enjoyed feeling like I was at least a little good in Adventure Mode haha
I still play with my siblings sometimes, it feels very balanced and like a new experience every time

I had fun playing this with my sibling (I can't remember which one, uh oh...)
I greatly appreciated the variety in moon puzzles, it seemed like everywhere we looked, there was something to do

The levels were mostly fine, the bosses though...
They have way too much health! The knight and the devil made me quit for like a month each! The screen is too small
Music is very good though
The aesthetic was also quite interesting, along with the artstyle. I do appreciate that, at least. Also, that typing game was nerve-racking lol

Generally it was very enjoyable when I played through it normally. When I was trying to collect all the treasures though, I quickly became frustrated with how you can't tell what's missing from each level... it even felt like I followed the guide perfectly and still was missing a chest. I'm someone who loves puzzles, but not when I can't tell if I need to redo them again and again or not

I played the SNES version, I think I made a lapse in my judgment
The bosses were either boring easy or literally hell, and after reaching max level in Illburns Ruins then the bosses just got more and more annoying (except Garland was fine bc Time Ring go behind him for free hits... well until I get hit and get 2HKO yeah)
Valestein Castle just sucked, the nightcore (pitched up) version of the song and the traps that killed you in 2 hits were very fun
Galbalan made me use multiple save states... 21 of them to be precise. Even then, it took 28 minutes. That fight just sucked.

Pretty big improvement on 1. You could tell they put more time in with all the extra dialogue from burning NPCs and talking to enemies. The bosses mainly being magic only was rough though, it just felt awkward sometimes, Zava especially.
I was actually fine with Solomon Shrine, I felt they notated the sections well enough and the layout was different enough to make me remember where I was (plus the Chronicles version of the song goes so hard). I actually had issues with the sewers more, and partially the volcano too. Everywhere there looked the same.

I was expecting it to be a lot rougher than it was
Parts of it were enjoyable, besides the final dungeon lol
I have three fists named "Vagullion", "Khonsclard", and "Dark Fact" and they all do damage to my ego every time I look back and see how long I spent on them

And here my Ys journey starts
I played the two routes that weren't Hugo, and I'd say it's fairly balanced enough to play for like 15 minute sessions each, which is quite nice
Even though it was one big tower, each area felt different enough

Great with friends! Though with Steam remote play it's hard on the people who aren't hosting lol

goes hard, would recommend it as a gift (it was gifted to me i did not know of its existence before)

It's crazy to see how far a simple puzzle with a square and a line can go
The world was lovely, it definitely saved me when I was angry at myself for not picking up on things lol
I'm at the climax, but need to take a break first haha

I was playing this on my grandma's iPad in like 2009 haha
Very good memories, and great for getting crazy trick shots