Unironically, this is a really great game to play with a group. We're all pattern-seeking creatures, and so sometimes we see things that others don't.
I've been chipping away at this game slowly, I'm on Level 2000 now
Without the ads, this game would be perfect (aka turn off WiFi and data to play this game lol)
The "events" are annoying time-wasters and stressful though, I just focus on the main levels

I never bought the DLC to play all the levels, but I thought this was a worthwhile sequel. I wish the levels were a little bigger and not just packed though

The music in this game is so good, Dusty Desert 2 and Sky Ruins 2 are amazing tracks
The gameplay itself is alright, often rage-inducing based on the angles the platforms have you bounce at, and all the times where you jump on blocks bouncing on springs. The secrets are pretty fun though
The music carries

man how is fire sanctuary the only good dungeon theme here (okay ancient cistern was cool too)
Items were pretty fun, wish there was more to the map though, it felt frustrating going back places sometimes
The mining facility was a pretty cool dungeon! I'm mainly thinking of that big open room

I loved the aesthetics of the dancing tiles in the background, as someone who used to love the periodic table and chemistry (I stopped after getting a B- in Chem 1 and literally took both Bio classes to avoid taking Chem 2)
The splitting idea was pretty cool until you got that one tiny little drop of mercury that you can barely see fall off the edge
The magnets were also annoying sometimes too haha
But the colors were really neat!
The music was great too, I'll never forget The Best is Yet to Come

Tim Trance is such a good track, I don't even care that there is only that lol
The aesthetics of the background are so lovely too, it really felt like you were in an enigma
Some of these levels had me so mad, I had to call my dad lol
I wonder how I would do on this game today

I remember hating the controls so much haha, I would always fall or walk into the water and get so angry
This was before I was any good at parkour
The ability to create your own superweapon was also very fun, I remember scaring all my friends with "The Couch"

I remember spending so much time on Campaign mode, my team members had names that were so over-the top that I can't remember them
I still remember when they added the England map, that was seriously my first ever favorite video game track
For anyone else trying to find it like I was this past summer (it's not in the game files!), there is one medium-quality upload of it on YouTube

This was like one of the first games I ever played, good memories though I was sad I couldn't learn the names of the bosses haha

I appreciate the gameplay of this, except the woods map is kind of boring... and the space map keeps you in a corner a lot... and the horror map is fairly linear... oh
Good music and good minigames, my siblings and I sometimes just shuffle on Mt. Minigames

not me getting 8280° on the snowboard minigame once and never getting close again

My siblings and I have overplayed this one haha, wish there were more maps
Team mode will always be fun to play with friends, the teamwork is always fun
I wish the minigames were more enjoyable and didn't rely on Joy-Con luck though lol

still vibing to the music even today
pugilis theme and yaksha theme my beloved

The balance on area length was a little off, but otherwise I feel like it was pretty respectful towards my time. I could probably have learned the bosses besides the first big one if I had more patience, too, but the game allowed me to level enough to where I didn't spend sessions retrying (on Normal).
I think my biggest thing is I feel Adol should move quicker, or maybe the map is too spread out


I appreciate what it's going for, the idea of the elements and having Psynergy that manifests in puzzles outside of battle. Combat was rough, luckily I had a turbo mode button...
The final boss took me over a year to beat, as you can see. I even used tons of save states, but he was just so tanky