Finally got around to 100%ing.

I really enjoyed the first LIS game but I just couldn't find this one interesting. Acting is worse, without the time travel mechanic there is basically nothing for interesting puzzles or gameplay, and the characters themselves just aren't fun to be around.

Potential that's completely destroyed by copy-paste design and bad writing.

Very weird (and good) game that's dragged down hard by it's final act.

First impressions are it's more DOS2 but with a much higher budget. Character customization is great, combat and builds have some additional depth (in both good and bad ways), and the game is beautiful. If you like DOS2 you're in for a treat.

Fun gameplay loop that hops between turn based "dungeon crawls" and a raising sim. The characters and story are enjoyable and the combat stays engaging throughout.

All and all had fun though out. Except for the robot boss fight. F**k that fight.

A total (and somewhat enjoyable) waste of time

Quick little puzzle game with good characters and music. Hard to go wrong with free.

Hey look harvest moon for the PC

Coop is a mess and isn't unlocked until hours into the game.

Everything else is just pure jank. Combat is drawn out and nothing is telegraphed and climbing around feels floaty. The maps don't feel like they were designed to be doing parkour, nothing flows into anything else so you're always awkwardly stopping to look around or running into dead ends.

Go play the first game again instead.

A great story with some puzzle and stealth mechanics to keep it more than just a movie. One of the better examples of how to blend a game and a story together.

Beautiful, interesting enough characters and story... But oh my god the most repetitive combat possible. I almost want to grind it out just to go through the stories but... I just can't.

Time for play though number 5.
Great game to play co-op, just sit back and enjoy the chaos that is Saints Row.