I'm not normally into roguelites but i'll be damned if Hades doesn't do just about everything perfect. It's so well done it manages to transcend it's niche.

Do you like doing chores? Well this is the game for you! Do all sorts of basic puzzles dozens of times in slightly different locations!

The game is beautiful (minus the bad frame rate) and enjoyable to an extent as a walking simulator, but the actual game play and story is so shallow that it's hard to want to keep playing.

Fun little dungeon crawler with a dating sim mixed in. Not really there for the boyfriends but even ignoring them you have Valeria, Pocket and Sawyer to keep you company. The weapon play is great, I'm sad it's such a short game.

I really enjoyed the first LIS game but I just couldn't find this one interesting. Acting is worse, without the time travel mechanic there is basically nothing for interesting puzzles or gameplay, and the characters themselves just aren't fun to be around.

Only reason I keep my headset set up.


It's space Bioshock, with some more survival aspects and a stronger sense of customization and progression.

A great story with some puzzle and stealth mechanics to keep it more than just a movie. One of the better examples of how to blend a game and a story together.

On one hand this game is beautiful and legitimately fun, It has the polish of a proper full priced game and for the first dozen hours it was great.

... Then the game knows it has you hooked and slows down your ability to progress by locking gear and character behind their premium currency.

If I could have bought this at $60 and had all the micro transactions and content locks removed I would do it. How it stands though I just can't recommend.

Beautiful, interesting enough characters and story... But oh my god the most repetitive combat possible. I almost want to grind it out just to go through the stories but... I just can't.

I adore Divinity Original Sin 2 so I thought I would give this a shot too and its... rough.

Combat can be really janky, quests are confusing and hard to follow, and the main story is just not particularly interesting. I wouldn't go so far to say the game is bad, but I couldn't honestly recommend it to anyone either.

Do you like throwing yourself at a wall over and over until you somehow happen to phase through the wall?

Me too.

2.0 turned this game from mediocre to properly enjoyable

Loved the 1st one. This one the story and writing is just so bad, like I'm not here for some award winning story or quests in my zombie slaughter game but it's painful.

8 hours in after being recommended this game as another amazing farming sim... I just don't get it

Way easier to play than setting up the board game. Lends itself to the video game format pretty good. Not sure if I would try and play it single player, even taking care of two characters was plenty work.