11 reviews liked by Fizzwin

For some reason, I always want to go to bat for games from China. It's a large country whose games are very rarely localized. Additionally, the China-hatred on the internet makes me want to reflexively defend the underdog. China has a terrible, repressive government, but that doesn't mean that all Chinese people are bad, and the hate for China seems to spill over into borderline xenophobia. Finally, I enjoy Chinese wuxia/martial arts/fantasy movies, and this feel into those categories.
Unfortunately, despite being initially disposed to like the game, I was not particularly impressed. The game feels like a stiff and unresponsive hack 'n' slash, in the vein of Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, Dragon's Dogma, and Dark Alliance (not Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance). Devil May Cry and its sequels have spoiled me when it comes to hack 'n' slash combat, I'm afraid. Instead of just letting me play the darn game, Sword and Fairy 7 subjects me to cutscene after cutscene (complete with Quick-Time Events) and painfully basic tutorials. Once again, I have been spoiled by Devil May Cry (no tutorials and every cutscene has something cool [1] happening). The graphics have that weird, plastic-y look that characterizes low-budget games with good graphics--scenery sometimes looks good and sometimes looks bad, while the main characters look like Barbie dolls. This, combined with the stiff controls, made me feel like I was playing with action figures. Overall, I felt like this game was decent, but not really a good use of my time. It clocks in at 20 hours on HowLongToBeat, and reviews say that the majority of that is cutscenes, so it's safe to say that it's not for me. I'm glad to have Gamepass around so I can try out games before I buy them.
The music is great, though. Every Chinese game I've played so far has amazing music.

I don't have much to say that's new about this game or the original, this is a remake that lives up to the original- and even surpasses it. Something I was hopeful for yet didn't quite expect with how most remakes turn out.

The team that made this clearly holds love for the original and took tons of care to preserve its essence in as many ways possible. While it does miss some of the ludo-narrative poignance of the original and certain charms or scenes the original had, it makes up for it fully in reimagining Persona 3 in such a fresh, vivid and more satisfying manner by delving deeper into characters they couldn't do the same for in the original.

My few gripes are with the audiovisual aspects, I like the OST a lot but it's certainly not as iconic as the original which is fine but in certain songs it's a little too off. And for the visuals, on most fronts this is one of the prettiest games I've ever played yet the lighting can be completely out of sync in certain areas. Besides the things I've mentioned, this game is essentially perfect.

Now for a little personal footnote, this game came into my life when I started questioning the meaning of life and why I was alive at a very tender time of my pre-teen years, still unaware of how to deal with a loss. Back then, this game was a guiding light to me, it helped me sit with my fear of death despite how much it posessed me. Death is something I fear even to this day, this moment. But unlike 10 years ago, this time I know the meaning of my life is mine and the people I surround myself by to find. It's alright if I can't find it as long as I'm alive, my life already means something to the people that love me.

And that's fine enough, no matter when or how I pass. This realization only came to me then due to this game and today it comes back into my life in a further fully realized manner to pat me on my back and remind me of the same, to keep walking on and adore the burning glimmer and brilliance in life even if it means enduring all the suffering I have to face or that it'll all come to an end.

And as the game says, "Nothing's a waste...my life will have meaning."


Once the story with Otto comes to its conclusion it really lost its way. Still some cool stuff happening, but the Elysium Realm was the longest filler arc ever and didn't need to happen.

A game with exceptional characters, and a cool universe that admittedly gets a bit out of hand with trying to be complex.

"May you the beauty of this world, always shine."

Quietly jots Paimon down under the list of "Minions for Racist Weebs" along side Neco-Arc and Konata Izumi before uninstalling and freeing my computer of 47 gigabytes

I have genuinely played this game, this is not a joke at all, I think I made it to like AR45 a year ago. This game fucking sucks so much ass. Boring ass grind with damage sponge enemies. Flashy combat with no depth. Snooze fest story. You can't deny this game tries to mimic BOTW and it does not do a single thing better. Play a better game, NOW!

Unos amigos irl me invitaron a jugarlo 3 veces.

Lo dropié 3 veces.

Me bloquearon cuando les dije que lo volví a desinstalar.

Así supe que me juntaba con malas influencias.

Looking at this game with no context at all your first thought is that it's just another gacha game with nothing else to it
But it's really a lot more than it looks like
The story is genuinely amazing, some parts of the game got me to cry
The characters are all well written
The music of the game and it's shorts/pvs is also amazing
You might not be the biggest fan of gacha games but even then you should give this one a try, it's amazing

Quit the game over a year ago (February 2021)

The story, gameplay, and every aspect of the game is not worth your time in the slightest. Within the ~200 hours I sunk into this game I probably could've finished numerous other games. As one of the better gacha games I've played, it's just awful man. Please do not sink your time into playing this game.

At best the game is meh and while I do believe that it is a bit fun to play with friends for the love of god don't play this game solo (or at all really).