Probably the worst in the franchise but its not bad at all. hits the ground running really well. Graphics look a bit janky now but its to be expected. Great start to an iconic franchise

Telltales Magnum Opus. Sensational story telling and characters. Despite the whole choice thing not really mattering the gameplay is still tense and fun. A must play for everyone

Extremely underrated 3D Mario. Fun level design and decent power-ups. With enough levels to keep you entertained for a good while.

One of the best campaigns in the franchise and what is there to say about the multiplayer that hasn't been said.

Amazing remake and makes this game more accessible. The graphics look great for a 3DS. Without a doubt a top 3 Zelda OAT.

Great open world, an extensive amount of characters and the saber combat was pretty good. However the missions are boring and repetitive, the pure amount of characters makes them all feel the same. No character customization and getting all the kyber bricks is a pain. No where near as replayable as previous lego games

Gameplay wise it improves on Fallen order in almost every way. Great tweaks to the saber combat. In my opinion, the story faulters in comparison to Fallen order but is still pretty good. Despite the rocky launch, the game looks fantastic.

Great little Indie game with a surprisingly deep story. The game has some great world-building. Gameplay is safed from being repetitive by the different things to look out for each day.
Glory to Arstotzka!

Innovative gameplay with a solid story to boot. Good fun for a few hours, not enough to come back to thought

A true classic. Probably the best in the franchise. Vaas is an amazing villain down to the amazing performance. While the gameplay is repetitive now this was released before far cry became carbon copies of each other. Goated game worth a play

Awesome boss fights with each feeling different. Graphics and the design of the bosses look great. Despite it being really empty the open world looks fantastic. One complaint is the controls as they feel really janky but you can get used to them

Great start to the new line of games. Probably the most memorable of the New super Mario games. Blue shell power up was goated. Great fun for a few hours

An interesting new step for the franchise. I must admit that I'm not a massive fan of the open world, It's not due to anything design-wise, there's plenty to do, and it's full of life it's just that this isn't the type of Zelda game I love.

Ditching the linear path of all previous Zelda games was a bold move. Instead of having a set order to do the dungeons in and getting set items from each one, instead, you are given the reigns and can do whatever you want whenever you want. Due to this, I found that the temples and boss fights lacked ingenuity and each one felt exactly the same.

However, despite the open world not being right up my alley. I cant deny that this game is great. Each area is designed beautifully. The side content is great and keeps you playing for hours on end. The story for what little of it there is, is pretty good for the franchise. The combat is very fluid and the weapon durability is something that I didn't like at first but It made me experiment with different swords and shields.

I do hope that the open-world style of Zelda isn't the new norm but i cant deny this game's greatness.

Story-wise it is the best in the franchise. Niko is the most developed and fleshed-out character. Niko actually feels like a character in comparison to other GTA games In which your basically just a guy running around killing people. Graphics hold up quite well but the game is really grey a lot of the time. Gameplay wise it has a lot of things that GTA V lacks like hanging from ledges

Its the 2nd best of the whole franchise which is saying a lot about the state of the recent games. Ezio is the best Assassin and his story is the most interesting. i don't know why after how much people liked Ezio they stopped doing games for multiple Assassins and made new ones each game. Gameplay doesn't hold up the best but that's to be expected.