I think I've had enough of Extra games which is good because this the last game in this franchise, at least until the new Fate Extra game comes out whenever that may be
This was actually surprisingly fun specially because I didn't enjoy the first game at all and I don't really like musou games, but I actually never really got tired of this game I even spent some time grinding to make Astolfo beat the shit out of the final boss

This is a remake of a DS game that I've never heard of but it was developed by Cing that also made Hotel Dusk which I really liked so I was already hooked just by that.
It's pretty short but the story is pretty interesting and got some really good moments, like the moment I got to the scene in the cove I actually got chills, realizing what was the meaning of the painting back in the start of the game.
I didn't find the puzzles that interesting but sometimes the game changes the gameplay a bit like going into first person mode and having to work your way into the dark, but the puzzles themselves were pretty simplistic but it's not as if I was expecting something complex to be honest, but I just got this feeling that they were probably more dynamic and interesting in the DS because of the dual screen.
So yeah, this is a pretty good game, it takes a while to get interesting but taking in consideration how short it is that's practically nothing and when it gets interesting it gets REALLY interesting so it's a pretty nice experience.

Imma send a pipe bomb to Nasu's address

It's been almost 3 years since I played the first game so I barely remember a thing from it but even then I can say this is an amazing sequel, it's much more fun gameplay wise and the story felt more engaging, story which they did a lot of interesting things with that I really like
This game, and series, is just a really good way to turn off your brain a bit while also using it to some capacity, it's really fun and goofy while also having some really good serious moments, it's very good

I really did not expect to get hit this hard by this game's story as I did, even though I felt the same way when I played Xenoblade 3 and should've expected this one to be the same.
This game takes all of the themes presented in the last two episodes and present them in an even stronger way, the feeling of loneliness, existentialism, religion, relationships, failure, longing for the past, etc, each of these themes unify and form such an amazing story, everything feels so real despite how fantastic and sci-fi the world may be, it's genuinely amazing.
And despite me being completely hypnotized by how good the story of this game is the gameplay is also pretty good, it's really fun, idk what happened in XSII where the gameplay wasn't fun at all excluding when you were in the E.S. which was pretty fun, but this game changes the whole gameplay but keeps the fun of the E.S. and also makes the normal gameplay fun too.
Definitely one of the best games I played period, it's up there with Xenoblade 3 and Future Redeemed if not better, but I can't truly bring myself to compare those games when all of them are in reality just amazing.

I really liked the story in this game, mostly because of how it focus on Jr and his brothers which is something I already was interested in since the first game, but what really made this game not as enjoyable as Episode I was the gameplay, while the exploration is more interesting since they utilize the E.S. more than they did in I, the combat itself just felt drier somehow and by the endgame I was just done with the combat

This game is such an improvement from the og, the gameplay still kinda ass but it's more polished so it isn't as unenjoyable than in Normal Extra, I found the dungeon crawling more engaging specially since they play more into the story, and the story itself is so soooo good.
I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did, specially since my first contact with it was one of the moves in the last boss that looks like the most coomer shit ever, but turns out the game is much more than that and it's really great

I called this Slop jokingly before but it really is slop, good slop but slop nonetheless
However it did have Shiki Ryougi so just for that it gets a good score

It sure is Mario but a bit different