When it comes to adventure games I tend to lean towards more casual affairs, the kind of games that don't have tons of deaths and soft lock situations. This is one of those, and it has a first person perspective with environments with a ton of charm. Exploring the wacky levels was a ton of fun, even if there were some points where it was pretty unclear what you should be doing next. The manual has some helpful hints that clear up that kind of confusion though.

The EMIT series is a short, educational visual novel that teaches english to japanese speakers. Because of this, it is completely translated to english and fully dubbed. The dub is charming, and the pixel art looks great. The story is rudimentary by design, but still had me interested in what would happen next. You can finish all 3 volumes in around 2 hours, maybe faster, even if you do the comprehension tests. Also the opening song is awesome.

Poignant adventure game where the puzzles/information are presented in an accessible way while still feeling subtle. I wish that the music was playing all the time instead of just in very small windows of time, you literally have to stop what you're doing to listen to the music. That was probably on purpose. They also made running faster a pain in the ass on purpose, so you can tell what kind of frame of mind the devs were coming from here. Stop and smell the roses, and once you do, you'll probably realize a solution to some puzzle somewhere. The way making progress is laid out in this game is really surprising, I'm not sure I've seen an adventure game so open ended like this.

There's a story unfolding as well, and when you look back at it you see a lot of parallels between what you've been doing as a player and what the main character of the story is going through. That makes it a very memorable, cohesive experience. I guess the only reason I didn't give 5 stars is that it's kind of dull at times and I never got to see the red beast.

Played second quest, love this game, i play through it again on every little emulator device i buy at 3 am

Shooting little brown dots on a grey background. I wish there was more close quarters because visibility felt terrible. Maybe I should have played on Xbox?

Fun platformer that ends up being just the right amount of challenge. Interesting mechanics and I liked the character swapping.

The level designer had a fetish for moving platforms and I abhor it. If I play the dreamcast/ps1 version I will update my review since this dumb website has one page for GBC/PS1 versions.

A charming, well made mission-based game where you perform various chores with a little helicopter. The soundtrack is fun, the controls feel good, there's anime-styled portraits for various people asking you to do things, and the 3d environments, while small, are nice to look at. This is top of the line for budget ps1 games as far as I'm concerned.

I won Game mode 2 which makes me the Tennis champion.

Really ambitious game, I love how much detail was put in the environments. The final boss was the wettest fart that ever farted though. Maybe they had to rush that part out the door without testing it. Cool aesthetic, fitting music and fast action make it quite memorable.

Pretty fun game, I found it really hard on Normal even. It's really good at keeping things fresh between levels but it has trouble explaining what you need to do sometimes.

I love the way yoshi jumps, flutters, throws eggs, grabs things with that tongue, it all just feels so good. The graphics and style are some of the best this industry ever witnessed, great music, inventive and unique levels.... minus half a star for crying baby (actually because the game is too easy and I would have loved more challenging platforming with these mechanics) ;)


The art in the cutscenes is so badass. The game itself is very low budget but I thought it was kinda charming. The space harrier mode was a good addition.

I am grateful for the classic controller support but this game just felt completely unfinished. It felt like they just made the combat worse than the previous game for no reason. The post credits cutscene was pretty hype though ngl.

I had beaten this one before as a kid, coming back to it I beat it again on my first try but bowser is pretty harsh. I don't think it's a bad game though. I like it even... muahahahahaha