Wonderful game, I booted it up for a dumb game about a cat that I figured would be a fun few hours and fell in love with the world it created. Hits my kinda cyberpunk post apocalyptic vibes just right, delivers a tight strong story that doesn't overstay it's welcome. Very decent platforming/puzzling gameplay really brings it home, I hope they adapt and evolve even more if they do a sequel but if not I think this game is a perfect lil gem.

Really great game, i actually full on rage quit the game in the first 4 hours because it was too challenging for me. But the mystery around the plot pulled me back in. I wanted to know more about the astronaut and all the weird shit happening on the planet. And to me that's the perfect way to handle a rouge-like, because I was more than happy to keep doing loops and replying sections to find out more and get better.

Would recommend highly.

Great game, I couldn't tell you at all what the story is as I started skipping an hour into the game. The gameplay was so strong that any time it wasn't happening I just wanted to get back to it. Surprisingly long too, would recommend if you're into speedy shooters like Ghostrunner.

Amazing game, i first played it on release in 2019 and i'd never played a RE game before and it was inrecible and made me an immediate fan of the franchise, i've since played pretty much all of them but this one is still the cream of the crop for me.

Currently going for a platinum but shelving for now.

Had to shelf because of more games coming out, text based games don't always hold my attention for long, but this one has amazing style and vibes and a genuienly intriguing plot. I also love that it's fully down to you to solve the murder.

Unlike Danganronpa and Ace Attorney where you can still brain dead your way through the game and have a great time, with PK, you need to use your brain and piece together clues. I'll definitely come back to it soon.

Currently playing this, I have played wow on and off since Wrath of the Lich King and this is the first time since WoD that i've properly gotten stuck in. It's super fun so far, levelling a Demon Hunter. Seems like there's loads of variety for end content, having a great time so far and looking forward to Dragonflight.

Amazing game. I played it when it first came out on PC and grabbed it again recently to platinum it. The overall story is wonderful and it's the hardest a twist in a game has hit me in a while being a fan of the first one. And the gameplay is really solid, puzzles ae a little easy, but fun nontheless.

It's the same thing as the other ones, a little longer and less funny than the others but most are grabbing this for the easy plat anyway.

Really great expansion on the base game, I was happy to finally play this on console and grab the platinum. I wasn't expecting much additional content but there was actually a good chunk of extras. Super Funny.

Challenging. Especially coming hot off Elden Ring and Sekiro, and not just enemy design or raw combat, just the level design and unforgiving checkmarks makes this hard.

Having to re-run through 15+ enemies on a burning bridge where everything can 2 hit you, just to get a chance to fight the boss again is painful and not fun for me personally. I love the challenge of these games, but sometimes this one feels cheap compared to the others.

It's hard to say anything negative about this game. Although I am a Fromsoft fan, this game is goated, the best gameplay experience overall, such a satisfying experience. Story and world is a tad less interesting then EL or BB, but It's an incredible game.

Fun for a battle royale game, I like the vibe, the level and the combat flexibility. BA's aren't my exact cup of tea so I probably won't pick it up often, but still great.

Really fun, haven't put much time into it yet and plan to come back to it for a puzzle fix but cute way to use the Shovel Knight IP.

For me, as close to a masterpiece as it can get, I have some flaws with it, like level scaling, the last quarter of the game feels unfairly scaled up, and a bit more lackluster. But that's where anything negative ends.

Amazing visuals, excellent gameplay, wonderful lore and story development. Most fun i've had with a game in years and it's quickly one of my all time faves.