Games of the Year - 2000

Talk about a top end / bottom end split! The new millennium brings us amazing games like Pokemon Stadium 2, Majora's Mask, Paper Mario and Kirby 64, but also just total duds for me such as GBC LEGO Stunt Rally, Dark Duel Stories, and Battle for Naboo. This list goes straight from 7/10 to 4/10 without ANY in-between, making it a hell of an unsteady list.

I wonder what kinda games might end up in the middle when I get to them? I feel like a lot of games on my 2000 Backlog are likely to hit one way or another, so maybe that's just how 2000 works for me. Whatever the case this is definitely an excellent year, a high ratio of 8-10s and some of my all-time favorites right here. 2000 was a GOOD year and a great way to start its era.