Really good campaign, fun if dead multiplayer, and fun modded zombies.

Really fun hack and slash game with a unique nemesis system that makes the game feel lively. Also a fun set of upgrades but the game tends to overstay its welcome towards the finishing acts.

Fun game but you really need some friends to get the most from it

Fun if short sidescrolling shooting game that gave some nice hotline miami vibes. The gameplay is really creative and fun to master with different interactions between different systems. The story is a little hard to follow but there and it is very short.

Probably fun for some but not for me.

Honestly you can play in just about anyway you want and the community is pretty cool and hosts tons of different minigames

Really fun wave shooter/stealth game with three other people. Has a lot of detail in the skills and builds with a constantly changing meta. It can be played laid back where almost everything can be used or can be made really hard where the game really tests the skills of the team.

Really fun puzzle game and can be played with a friend

Tongue and cheek shooter game which has a good amount of very immature humor but is entertaining from beginning to end.

While not as good as Metro 2033 it still has some merit and some of the things that made 2033 so good. The game was also filled with way too many over the top set pieces and boss fights which led it to feeling like a Call of Duty game at times instead of a more laid back small scale Metro game. Still worth a play but not as good as 2033

Pretty decent racing game with nice VR support and a lot of cars to test on many tracks

Really just an alright game, has its moments and it was really cool to see all the Byzantine art but really dragged on.

Pretty unique game but has a bit of a learning curve. Not a lot of servers either.

Really a slog to play. I played for a few hours and it already felt like I was in a loop

Really feels quite pay to win honestly