Pretty boring game. It's like the Borderlands and Fallout 3 you have at home but with none of the depth. I would pass on it.

Fun game but I haven't had this many issues with a game for a long time. It crashed when I wanted to do just about anything. It ran well but it crashed on mission fail, crashed on fast travel, crashed on crime completion. The story and gameplay makes it worth the issues. It is not hard but it is very well acted and very fluid although the controls felt a little clunky at times. It is also quite easy to 100% I did so in 40 hours. Great game, pick it up on sale but beware the tech issues.

Fantastic sequel to a good first game. The technical issues are still around but there is a mod to help with stuttering now, I did not have too much issues on an ssd. Some areas ran pretty poorly and it still has some jank from the first game as well as some annoying enemy moments like when they stun lock. Despite all that it has a beautiful story that is not as hard hitting as the first has its own ways of being a unique continuation of the first. Plenty is expanded on and I can not wait to get more collectibles and play it again in NG+

Pretty fun shooter with wizard skin and fun weapons and an even more fun rage mode that powers all the weapons up. Had some minor difficulty spikes and some confusing levels that were a bit of head ache. Game is a little short but definitely a blast to play. Also has beautiful rtx lighting as well as dlss, did not dip below 240 fps. Got it in the ultrakill bundle but this is worth a checking out.

Probably my new favorite boomer shooter.
Overflowing with style and has great gameplay as well. Everything feels really tight and responsive and the guns have fun impact. Has just about every movement gimmick and you can fly around and blast. Got lost a few times but not for too long and the rest of the game made up for it. Looking forward to the next playthrough.


Fun boomer shooter with a lot of quake influence. The art style is industrial and very neutral but the game manages to use the muted colors to make an interesting world as well as enemies with very distinct designs. The weapons are usually pretty fun although the pistol kinda stinks but other than that most feel good is a little too good. You can also get them a little early but I am sure it will not be an issue for most people. Movement also feels really good in the game feeling fast yet snappy as you circle and strafe around everywhere and the game uses height in the arenas quite well. Performance was satisfactory most the time how ever there were some spots where it would dip to 60 fps instead of the usual 144 fps it could usually hold which was jarring but usually this did not last a long time. Overall still very much worth a play and has very little fat at around 5 hours for a playthrough for me.

Very fun and fast paced boomer shooter that reminds of quack. Runs great, every weapon and variation has a fun place in the sandbox and its super easy to pick up but takes just a little practice to master. Only wish there was more of it from what I paid for it but a fantastic game so far and can not wait for more!

Great game all around with stunning visuals and pretty engaging combat. In combination with a somewhat interesting but very mysterious story. Worth a playthrough on anything but it is one of the best implementations of raytracing I have seen. Worth a buy at its usual $10 sale price.
The style is not like much I have ever seen and it pulls off a great mysterious atmosphere that kept me hooked and playing. Control manages to have a great art direction, high fidelity and a refreshing visual style that is further enhanced with great ray tracing and post processing. With a 3060 I would able to push the game to max and have just about 60 fps all around with dips in combats and increases in breaks of action.
It leaves a lot of questions unanswered while also giving great bread crumbs with lore collectibles which is just enough to be engaging but not teasing. The great Foundation DLC also does a great job of fleshing out but not fully some elements of the main game in a fantastic way.
Only thing I did not like is sometimes enemies would respawn just way too quick, I would leave the room and they would be back if i turned around and some side missions just really do not feel worth doing. There were some enemies that killed me incredibly quick at times that I could not see but nothing that made me want to put the game down in a rage. Also I was not a fan of the Alan Wake DLC because I personally do not like Alan Wake but fighting the invincible monster with light was a fun puzzle. Lastly it really feels like a game that was suited for New Game plus but does not have it. These are just small nitpicks over a fantastic package over all.

The game is a bunch of pretty repetitive quests with some decent gameplay.

The story is amazing as well as the graphics and set pieces. A good mix of the old games and newer playstation games. The exploration is very fun and rewarding with chests and upgrades at every corner. The combat usually is very fun and snappy and responsive the weapons feel very satisfying.

The story beats are memorable with a new perspective on Kratos as well as his son. Story moves a little quick around Atreus for my tastes but I understand it might be hard to flesh out a character with an only 20 hour story. The environments are masterfully done with a great sense of scale even with the new camera. One thing I personally love about the art is how colorful it is with the artists using the color to really convey the themes of an area before you even get to explore it. Particle effects are also used to great effects in the world as well as in combat to add a visual depth to the game. I have heard from some people that they don't like Midgard but there is a decent amount of variety to the different sections that make them feel different. Late game the Lake of Nine is great to explore around and get the chests and doing the sidequests. The effort that the team has put into the world design oozes in just about every corner of the game and makes it a joy to look at as well as play and achieves a great balance of gameplay, exploration and story.

I would say DO NOT let it detract from the amazing base game but with the game, they have what feels like tacked on faux RPG stuff that makes enemies feel so artificially difficult. Santa Monica already had a perfectly fine way to keep you from exploring with upgrades you get later in the game. Later in the game after the story is done it almost felt as though I hit a wall where the enemies are very tough but my gear can not get better and I have to resort to the OP runic attacks. Muspulheim and Neifelheim also were just way way harder than anything in the base game. People who like trying over and over and over at a challenge will probably get a kick out of it but most the time it felt like the enemies would just do some move that takes half my health with a very small prediction window as well as what feels like random attack patterns.

It is ok, its pretty much just a VR demo. Has a good story but it only lasts for an hour and a half at best and has some really stupid collectibles if you want to 100% it.

Really confusing, hard to tell whats going on but maybe give it a try with the bots

A ton of DLC and loot boxes and pretty mid gameplay and some nonsense AI that always seem to get ahead somehow. I know I am not the best at racing but it just seems to happen a bunch of the time and the driving feels really floaty even for an arcade game. Also a TON of lootboxes and DLC. So much so they give you a free lootbox which is just kinda scummy. Stay only got it because humble monthly.

Try it if you like soulslikes and platformers but I like neither so I am not very qualified to review it and I could not bring myself to play it more

Super fun fast paced action shooter with great movement with slow motion to boot