I burnt myself out on this game but it was fun when I played it a few years back.

I have 2500 hours in this game but luckily I kicked my addiction.

A real sleeper hit with a fun open world with really great gameplay and movement tech. Does not run fantastically well on PC but it is more than playable. The weapons are pretty nice but the game strangely rewards you for using the same gun which can lead to an over reliance on a single gun. Ammo usually was a limiting factor to me which was pretty nice to swap up guns. The game also does not take itself seriously at all which is a blessing and a curse. I prefer the laid back tone of the game but sometimes it wants to try and be more serious but its hard to follow. Also has a good soundtrack but the issue is that it will not kick in half the time. Overall a really fun game but has its drawbacks.

Pretty fun Starwars game and I do not even like Starwars. The story is really well written and engaging as well as the environments and good combat. Exploration rewards going back to old worlds and going back to older levels can open up whole new parts. Has a good amount of nice set pieces that are really impressive and do not hang too long. The music is also fantastic and adds to the great backdrops.

Really great story driven game that really shows a really unique plot that is really well fleshed out. The graphics still hold up pretty well. The gameplay is really generic and run of the mill but I almost feel as though it was an intentional choice. Good sound track as well, pretty much the video game Apocalypse Now.

Fun turn based game in South Park. Plenty of in jokes from the show and a decent amount of comedy that sometimes sticks, sometimes does not.

Pretty fun turn based RPG with a decent plot. A lot of the jokes are predictable but there are plenty of fun jokes from the show that are in the game. Does not really overstay its welcome but it has a bunch of DLC I have not played.

Played with a friend for a while, pretty much just Mario Kart on PC with some fun vehicle switching mechanics

Bonus points for running better than Sniper Elite 3 but it suffers through much of the same issues that plague the other game. It is just way too easy or artificially difficult. The AI is braindead and pretty much waits for you to kill them. I even shot about five nazis out and then moved about 20 metres to the south and they just forgot I existed. The game really expects you to do the legwork to make the game believable and fun.

Runs really poorly on PC on top of a stupid game. The AI is pretty brain dead and the only challenge comes from how much damage the enemies too or what nonsense the game throws at you. The game just pulls you along a path and sets you up so you don't get detected and it will mask your shots for you. The maps are also around 40 minutes each which really is a slog.