Tongue and cheek shooter game which has a good amount of very immature humor but is entertaining from beginning to end.

Really fun puzzle game and can be played with a friend

Really fun wave shooter/stealth game with three other people. Has a lot of detail in the skills and builds with a constantly changing meta. It can be played laid back where almost everything can be used or can be made really hard where the game really tests the skills of the team.

Nice game but the graphics leave a lot to be desired and it is not really my type of game. From what I played I enjoyed but I could not play more

Probably fun for some but not for me.

Fun if short sidescrolling shooting game that gave some nice hotline miami vibes. The gameplay is really creative and fun to master with different interactions between different systems. The story is a little hard to follow but there and it is very short.

Fun game but you really need some friends to get the most from it

While the gameplay is a clear step up and good iteration of the last time, the pacing and busy work of this game make it harder to stick around as there is a massive amount of grind up to the end. The ending is quite nice though which makes it more bittersweet.

Really fun hack and slash game with a unique nemesis system that makes the game feel lively. Also a fun set of upgrades but the game tends to overstay its welcome towards the finishing acts.

A trip away from the Moscow tunnels really pays off. While I was a little skeptical at first, 4a delivered a fantastic game set in the world of Metro. While the levels are kind of fauxpen world, they are fun to explore and have amazing bits of environmental story telling and upgrades for the guns. The game also has a very laid back approach to combat most of the time which makes the guns blazing segments that much more impactful. The gunplay is amazing with plenty of ways to kit out your guns, the hit registration leaves something to be desired at times but works most the time. The graphics are absolutely amazing, I do not think I have seen better and more detailed graphics and with the enchanced edition that adds raytracing and dlss it makes great graphics look absolutely life like. The story is pretty engaging and the characters are really nice to see and I found myself exploring the train between the levels and interacting with the crew on downtime. The worst part for me was the technical issues and the forest which had the pace grind to a halt. On my first PC playthrough, the game softlocked and autosaved over my old saves which had me replay an entire massive level again to that point which made me quit the game for months. On top of that there were some weird graphical bugs which were kind of few and far between but there. The forest had some of my least favorite return from last light, like boss fights and more set piece design but after that it picks right back up into a pretty emotionally impactful conclusion and a great wrap up to the series.

While not as good as Metro 2033 it still has some merit and some of the things that made 2033 so good. The game was also filled with way too many over the top set pieces and boss fights which led it to feeling like a Call of Duty game at times instead of a more laid back small scale Metro game. Still worth a play but not as good as 2033

Perfect blend of horror, atmosphere, and combat. Metro 2033 was a fantastic introduction to world written about in the novels and with the Redux version the gameplay is even more polished out and fun. The game feels really nice and tense. It is also very atmospheric and immersive, more so than most games out there.

Pretty fun game but it has some real difficulty issues. I never could beat the metal gear at the end on xbox no matter how hard I tried. The researching and gunsmithing is pretty cool but the motherbase thing kind of feels like a mobile game. The sandbox is really good but the enemies are pretty braindead which leads to no interesting enemies to really test it on.

Fantastic game, the story is pretty engaging and the gameplay is even better. This is the best combat Rockstar games has released to date. The graphics also hold up amazingly well to this day.