Pretty fun if challenging platformer. I usually do not even like the genre but it held my attention

Fun old school shooter but it is very overshadowed by Duke Nukem 3D

Really weird move to a looter shooter instead of an old school shooter. Honestly rather just play Borderlands

Really fun reimagining of Shadow Warrior that keeps a good pace that reminds me of the old school shooters while adding new unique gameplay elements.

Really boring slog through same looking environment. While it looks better and plays better than Shadow of the Tomb Raider, it does not offer too much more.

Really fun resource management and exploration game. My only gripe is that all the starting areas are really just a 10 minute walk from each other so its kind of hard to see new places on a new playthrough.

Its alright, really overstays its welcome with the superpowers and the obscene amount of collectibles.

Pretty fun open world game with some decent comedy though most of it is pretty lazy laughs. Still plenty of creativity on display and it really goes all out. Character customization is excellent. Fun with a friend as well.

If you like side quests with some sprinkle of the Saints Row charm then boy do I have a game for you. You can race, or you could blow stuff up or defend against enemies in a circle or race then you'll have a good. I will admit the cutscenes and 7 sins weapons are fun but its just so boring with out many original missions. Its Saints row 4's world with a new can of paint and SOME fun parts but its collectible hunting and side quests.

Really a slog to play. I played for a few hours and it already felt like I was in a loop

Pretty unique game but has a bit of a learning curve. Not a lot of servers either.

Really just an alright game, has its moments and it was really cool to see all the Byzantine art but really dragged on.

Pretty decent racing game with nice VR support and a lot of cars to test on many tracks

While an improvement in some areas, the game kind of lacks the polish and bite of postal 2