While an improvement in some areas, the game kind of lacks the polish and bite of postal 2

A real sleeper hit with a fun open world with really great gameplay and movement tech. Does not run fantastically well on PC but it is more than playable. The weapons are pretty nice but the game strangely rewards you for using the same gun which can lead to an over reliance on a single gun. Ammo usually was a limiting factor to me which was pretty nice to swap up guns. The game also does not take itself seriously at all which is a blessing and a curse. I prefer the laid back tone of the game but sometimes it wants to try and be more serious but its hard to follow. Also has a good soundtrack but the issue is that it will not kick in half the time. Overall a really fun game but has its drawbacks.

Really fun new take on an old IP. The graphics are really great and hold up well. The story is also really catchy and decently engaging. The shooting is pretty serviceable if generic but the set pieces and locations are really the star of the show. The puzzles are a little easy or simplistic or over relying on the survivor vision.

Just insufferable story and terrible settings and plot. Feels lifeless and corporate and it feels like a 40 year old trying to sell an antiestablishment piece when it could not be more contrived and by committee. Does not even have the atmosphere of the first game.

Fantastic sequel to a good first game. The technical issues are still around but there is a mod to help with stuttering now, I did not have too much issues on an ssd. Some areas ran pretty poorly and it still has some jank from the first game as well as some annoying enemy moments like when they stun lock. Despite all that it has a beautiful story that is not as hard hitting as the first has its own ways of being a unique continuation of the first. Plenty is expanded on and I can not wait to get more collectibles and play it again in NG+


Really fun game with mods or even with out if you can stomach it.

Really great story driven game that really shows a really unique plot that is really well fleshed out. The graphics still hold up pretty well. The gameplay is really generic and run of the mill but I almost feel as though it was an intentional choice. Good sound track as well, pretty much the video game Apocalypse Now.

Fun old school shooter but it is very overshadowed by Duke Nukem 3D

A trip away from the Moscow tunnels really pays off. While I was a little skeptical at first, 4a delivered a fantastic game set in the world of Metro. While the levels are kind of fauxpen world, they are fun to explore and have amazing bits of environmental story telling and upgrades for the guns. The game also has a very laid back approach to combat most of the time which makes the guns blazing segments that much more impactful. The gunplay is amazing with plenty of ways to kit out your guns, the hit registration leaves something to be desired at times but works most the time. The graphics are absolutely amazing, I do not think I have seen better and more detailed graphics and with the enchanced edition that adds raytracing and dlss it makes great graphics look absolutely life like. The story is pretty engaging and the characters are really nice to see and I found myself exploring the train between the levels and interacting with the crew on downtime. The worst part for me was the technical issues and the forest which had the pace grind to a halt. On my first PC playthrough, the game softlocked and autosaved over my old saves which had me replay an entire massive level again to that point which made me quit the game for months. On top of that there were some weird graphical bugs which were kind of few and far between but there. The forest had some of my least favorite return from last light, like boss fights and more set piece design but after that it picks right back up into a pretty emotionally impactful conclusion and a great wrap up to the series.

Perfect blend of horror, atmosphere, and combat. Metro 2033 was a fantastic introduction to world written about in the novels and with the Redux version the gameplay is even more polished out and fun. The game feels really nice and tense. It is also very atmospheric and immersive, more so than most games out there.

Story was a little hard to follow but the gameplay was pretty fun and decently challenging.

If you like side quests with some sprinkle of the Saints Row charm then boy do I have a game for you. You can race, or you could blow stuff up or defend against enemies in a circle or race then you'll have a good. I will admit the cutscenes and 7 sins weapons are fun but its just so boring with out many original missions. Its Saints row 4's world with a new can of paint and SOME fun parts but its collectible hunting and side quests.

Pretty fun game about blowing things up. Feels a little clunky these days but fun in its own right.