I dont know shit about my hero academia but they gave the pink haired girl boob reduction surgery so i should rate this 0/5

Thinking about this game again, i remember playing it on the ps triple, i thought it was pretty alright, never touched it again until i finished it last year, thank god i played system shock 1 and 2 before that because this is just a lobotomized version of those two games.

ATB is such an ass system

Worst game design i've ever seen to a point i dont even know how people get attached to this series, carried by every other media it has been on except videogames? idk

Slop in its worse form but vtuber


10 year old me always wondered where the fuck i had to go

Disrespectful, time wasting, doesnt value your life, autism kicked in, probably the quickest 100 hours i have gotten in a game, i didnt do much, but it was fun, now i cant even pick it up, good experience overall

Cute and funny but not that good and fun

VR chat but with stuff to do, i only play mini golf

Ken should be more broken so i can win

Gearbox hasnt made a good game since the half life expansions