160 Reviews liked by FunBus

Funny that this game is about time travel because I want to go back in time to prevent it from existing



Let me tell you somethin'.

New York is the greatest fuckin'
city in the world.

My city.

I was a kid in these streets,

I started in the fuckin' gutter,
and I made it to the top.

This life ends one of two ways,
dead or in a boxing match against a racial stereotype.

I did both.

I would say that Mother 3 walked so that Opposing Force could run but that would imply Mother 3 contributed anything to society
It’s more like Mother 3 awkwardly stumbled around and then fell off a cliff like the stupid idiot it is so that Opposing Force could run

It is my life's mission to destroy every copy of Sonic Heroes, or as I prefer to call it: Sonic Losers
I will not fail my mentor, the Game Dude

Don’t be fooled by how little of an impact it left and how derivative it ultimately is; this is the best of the Castlevanialikes

Baby sensory video for weebs who desperately need a shower

Tried to give this game another chance since I felt maybe I was too hard on it but no, it’s even worse. It is glitchy to the point of being unplayable with Link being barely controllable, areas not loading correctly, and a statue from later in the game randomly showing up everywhere and blocking the way. Appalled at Nintendo for releasing a game in this state.

Sonic fans can’t stop catching W’s

This game’s characters are just wojaks for people who are even bigger basement dwellers

Good game to sacrifice the son of heaven to

Kind of a bit of a trade off with features of 94. Completely understand both sides of preferring one over the other.