Good game but just feels like a much more brief version of 2. Like what is there is great but compared to the other RE games I have played this one is notably short. Nemesis is awesome though wish there was more of them game where he's just stalking you as that is probably the highlight.

Brutal fast paced action that is super fun despite it's high difficulty

Just a darn good resident evil game. The RPD is a great setting and I love mr X and the creepy licker things. Great game not too much to add

Compared to 7 this was a bit of a disappointment. Still a very good game but everything this does was done better in either 4 or 7. The opening couple hours are great but slowly falls off after that. Seriously fuck Heisenberg's factory, I hate that level.

Deceptively simple game that is actually pretty layered in many meta ways. enjoyable characters and actually made me enjoy turn based combat. I just wish the genocide route was not such a tedious and boring grind.

Nice graphics and I'm sure the story is cool but not worth that gameplay, got boring real fast

Playing this in VR will make you transcend

Great story and a vast, alive feeling open world. Some slow missions and lacklustre online mode hold this back from being a masterpiece.

Best atmosphere and story for a RE game. Played this for the first time in VR and it was the scariest gaming experience I have had, horror not usually affecting me much. The Baker family are amazing villains and the levels of crazy the boss fights reach just keep outdoing themselves. All the DLC is great too, well worth it.

really makes you feel like spiderman

Never played a game that nails the feeling of exploration and discovery and makes it as satisfying as this. Great story, gameplay, music and just about everything. Genuine masterpiece.

Every map in this is a masterpiece in level design. They give you an objective and it is up to you to get creative as possible to get it done. Whatever your playstyle you can have a shit ton of fun with this game, it has so so much replayability.


God tier open world and story mode, the online is fun too and I have way too much time in it.

I can beat this in under 10 mins, thank you bennet foddy