Lisa the painful had some of the best rpg gameplay i've seen. So playing the most mediocre rpg right after the painful surely didnt make this game any easier to process

This episode just HIT DIFFRENT.
The atmosphere the music and dialogue, full of impeccable vibes which all culuminate into a heartbreaking but also hopeful ending.
Truly PEAK.


I had SUCH a hard time getting into it but after the 3 first missions it gets crazy good.

Crazy how such an old title is still insanely fun

insanely stupid

But i kind of love the memory of me as a kid playing it for 3 hours straight on my PSP trying to brute force my way through it

Absolute ASS

Sadly its nostalgic as hell for me so i have a bias

The true ending utterly obliderated me.

The best battlefield, also some of the most entertaining dialogue you'll see in an fps game.