Alright DLC, wish it provided more for coming out 3 years after the original's release.

At first I started playing this so I could have something to do during my down time at work. It ended up sucking me in completely for an entire week. It fills the niche of a Rated T-M Ace Attorney game. Also surprised it was much less cringey than what I was expecting it to be! Pleasantly surprised by this VN.

I know this was a banger 24 years ago given that true motion controls were almost a decade away. Nowadays, it's fun for a few minutes. Then your hands get tired from how LARGE a Switch is compared to a Gameboy Color lmao

This game planted a ton of seeds for the FPS games that came after. Unfortunately, I'm more of a PC boomer shooter guy than N64/TimeSplitters guy. Also this is the only FPS to have given me motion sickness.

When I think of 2D Mario, this is the game that comes to mind. Quintessential.

The original re-master. Set a pretty good precedent. Wanna play SMB 1-3? Play them here, they keep all their individual charm with better audio and visuals.

Someone referred to this as a "Bento-box of Kirby games" and I couldn't agree more. Want cute, fun, chill platforming and mini-games? All of which handle great? Here's your grab-bag.

Uruguay was NOT a bad national team during the early 1990's. Don't understand why our stats are so shit.

Camelot improved so much on this formula - also there's much better golf games from around this time. Can't recommend this over later iterations.

Was glad to see this game come back polished up! Still as fun as I remember it. It's oozing with style and love - and while not the most fluid beat-em-up, has a charm that's hard to look past.

Super high concept - huge learning curve. The execution is really good and a lot of fun once you manage to play along with a group IG. I've only played on my own and it seems like this would be a blast with friends or at least a set squad.

This game is worth the asking price solely for GET ENUF. What a banger.

A refreshing take on "Spot the difference". Really unsettling. Also, the "hyper-realism" it's going for definitely adds to the uncanniness. Worth the couple of dollars asking price.

I remember first playing this as a Sophomore in HS when Episodes were released separately. I am now playing this on my couch, with my GF of 8 years making all the decisions, experiencing this amazing story like it was the first time.

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