basically better botw that fixes a lot of issues, improves on some things, but still has some of the icks from that game that I really wish would've been fixed in a sequel, but alas. Still a great time altogether even if I do have my issues with the formula

i wish dante would bareback me in fact he is currently

probably the most middle of the road metroid but it was fun by the end

basically just the original but modernized meaning its still peak

at least the music's nice

good fire emblem is so back and it feels so great

neat little sidestory for that bit extra of midgar

really enjoyable, just bogged down by the usual AAA stuff, but its not enough to impact the experience

I'm not a fan of the series and haven't really played a game since Unleashed, but I liked that and heard good things about this one, alongside it being open world which I enjoy, so I gave it a try

unfortunately, what awaited was a complete bore of a game. the exploration is bland, the puzzles for collectables are mind-numbingly easy (some of them are even forced to progress the story too), the tone I could never take seriously since its sonic characters in a realistic-looking world that has random grindrails scattered around its sky, combat feels like ass when all you're doing is spamming the same moves over and over again and the boss fight at the end of each island which everyone hyped up turned out to just be a glorified cutscene

at the very least the song that plays whilst fighting the titan is really good but that's about the only positive I can give the game after completing the first island

enjoyable, but not nearly as good as the first. the somniums were much less of a pain this time around too, for the most part

I love this game. From start to finish it lived up every good thing I'd heard over the years and more. The only complaint I have is the somnium sections being irritatingly designed at times, but it was never enough to detract or spoil my mood whilst playing since they were thankfully short

The characters were fun and the plot was masterfully crafted with unexpected twists and turns at every corner to create a mystery that gets bigger and bigger the longer you play, until all coming together at the end for a super satisfying conclusion. Absolutely incredible

performance and graphical issues aside, it's really fun game with some really cool new mons and ideas for the series

Not really feeling this one. It plays fine but practically everything it does a past game(s) has done better. Weapons weren't all that great either and they gave you way too many to use at a time that it felt overwhelming (had a full wheel by the third planet).

Ratchet and Rivet sharing guns also feels weird and like there's no real difference between the two, which would be fine, but then what's the point of having a second character. It'd be neat if they had separate abilities and guns to actually differentiate the two. Still a decent game but not one I'd replay unlike 2 & 3

some flaws:
dashing messes with weapon switching a lot. not sure if its intentional but sometimes it takes the game a second to realise you want to fire and that one second of wait time is crucial when the enemy is right in front of or nearing you. It also doesn't recognise you switching weapons mid-dash and takes a while before it lets you switch

arena camera is too zoomed in so enemies sneak up on you easily for potshots. this is especially annoying on the mangler challenge (which lies about how big its range it in the first place)

a lot of the weapons feel useless or that they don't do enough damage (name buzz blades, lightning strike, negatron collider, bombarder to name a few) or require too much set up (cold snap) and just generally not all that much fun to use or innovative. Lack of an upgrade animation when you reach level 5 also is unfortunate since it's supposed to be a big celebration for getting there and letting you know of the change. Instead in this game it's just a name change that you might not even realise unless you're actively looking for it, and some of them don't even change name to begin with

maybe playing on hard mode for a first time through wasn't smart but usually these games are pretty easy so I gave it a shot. unfortunately, this game's idea of difficulty is to just swarm you with enemies randomly so its almost impossible to avoid damage, and then you die because of it. So many times this happened and it didn't feel like I myself made a mistake because I literally couldn't do a thing to prevent what happened, and the reason I got through the encounter was because I either lucked out of played lame and used a weapon that was already upgraded instead of one I wanted to upgrade

allinall, I don't know where I stand on this game. At times I was enjoying it, and at others it felt like a complete disappointment. I wish I liked it more, I really do

Really great game. Takes aspects from RE4 (like inventory, the merchant and even some of the setting) which fit really well with the already established gameplay in RE7. The characters (mostly the villains) were also really fun. It's not quite as scary as RE7 was (dollhouse aside), but the atmosphere still gives you chills when needed

Overall, great game, and I'm glad the RE franchise is continuing to be great once again