Is it good? No. Is it awful? Also no
It's like the troubled child that you can't help but love still but instead of parental love it's a "You're such a fucking idiot (affectionate)" kind of love
However it does have a trans woman and handles her very respectfully, even when cracking jokes, and for that, its a 10/10

Despite the rough start getting used to the new engine and the changes it brought, I enjoyed this game quite a bit. Story was good and, overall, a surprisingly solid experience

It's a little rough around the edges, especially after coming from 0, but for what it is, its still a good time

Very good remake that stays faithful to the original in all the right ways whilst still modernizing it. I never played much of the original so it was fun to actually finish it and understand why its such a highly regarded game. It's a bit easy but its a Mario RPG so that's par for the course but the postgame content served as a satisfying enough challenge

An absolutely phenomenal experience. I would've never expected to be won over and invested so quickly on something but that's what happened here. Very glad there's a lot more for me to get through

incredibly amazing and fun experience
can't wait for the next one

there's a reason the pikmin fandom is the way it is and this game is that reason

very solid. usually not a fan of platformers (outside of a few examples), 2d ones especially, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one start to finish. It's so creative and full of life which is a wonderful (ha) thing to see after the stagnation of 2d mario the past decade. Really hope we see more of this

its so shit but so good at the same time. truly a magical game

The flaws are definitely there and very apparent but overall I still thoroughly enjoyed it but I don't think it'll leave as lasting of an impression on me as the first did
Very excited to see what's next

Enjoyable. I'd say the only thing that brought it down for me was that the performance was somehow worse than the base game, but for what it is it's good

fun lil game. some ways you catch snax gets tedious but aside from that its enjoyable. surprisingly good character writing for such a absurd concept and setting too

I knew it'd be good, but not THIS GOOD

Solid game. Story's great and the cast is enjoyable too. If I had played this earlier in my life it probably would've been one of my favourites games. It's held back only by its age and, in my opinion, the pacing, but that might be moreso because I came to this game after playing Remake