nice final boss battle consisting of mashing ctrl

Wanted to write a review about "killing uruks, then kill more uruks" but someone else beated me to it. Really fun combat that makes you feel epic but since all you do is combat it gets really repetetive towards the end. also very underwhelming ending

Emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. Gameplay gets a tad repetitive, but the story always keeps you invested.
Still, it's not even comparable to The Last Survivors.

I’m actually so close to finishing this, but I'm worn out of it.
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I hate the investigation phases
Saying all of that I do want to return to this trilogy someday

Absolutely oozing with charm and creativity
It was a joy to 100%

as someone who doesn’t even like Smash, this game was awful to play.

Definitely ahead of its time, the plot is still very cool
I don’t know why I usually love stealth games, but something about it being in first person makes me hate it

My childhood game, even though I could not get past the second level

Fine time waster, not even scraping the surface of RDR2

One of these games where the car ride is better than the actual attraction. combat and climbing are so addicting.
may return to finish this

I don't understand a damn thing about how to play this game but i enjoy it nonetheless

chrome dino be so good i be forgetting what fucking website i tried entering

greatest achievement in browser gaming history

Pls make Xenoverse 3 pls pls pls