I should love this game, but I just can't get into online only stuff.

The Editor alone makes this game an instant classic.Possibly my favorite game the last ten years.

same old B.S. I can barely keep track of these games now.

Sorry it's not as good as you remember.


Damn it! it's a puzzle game or a wast

Completely heartbreaking it's a shame to see a game cater to the lowest common denominator. cat ears and neon Camouflage. I'm just getting too old for this. What's wrong with the children today.

I just didn't see the fun factor and got really overwhelmed and stopped playing after 2 hrs.

The first mission styl of game should of been the entire game. Why wasn't there any World War 1 western front battles in your WW1 game? The Multi player is probably the best in the series.
If you care about historically accuracy , stay away. But still soild.

Don't think about the micro transactions.

Zzzzzzz meh, just don't care. So slow.