This Chapter's story is nice, mostly a fun chapter to play through, as the characters feel pretty solid at this point it's fun to see the antics they get up to, along with that the soundtrack is pretty good, still on the level as last chapter's and fits well for it's settings.

An overall fun experience, keeping the bullet hell aspect, along with the rpg aspects more to heart this time around. Getting things better. Soundtrack this time around is not as good as Undertale but still stands pretty firmly.

Amazing story, controls can feel a bit dated but still stand decently well, honestly really fun multiplayer, and pretty ok graphics for it's time.

It's pretty good but feels cut short way too early, but aside from that, great soundtrack, sound design is great, great gameplay, story is amazing but it being cut off short was super annoying.

Good game when it comes to the unique style of it, with a pretty cool idea how it's like dance dance revolution but instead it's a battle. But this game really struggles in actually functioning, it's input system is garbage with you only being able to use one note at a time and requires mods just to fix, lot's of visual bugs when it comes to the sprite sheets breaking, and somewhat bad charting this game will need heavy adjustments before it's full release.

Played this game a few months before among us had gotten large, and I could've said that during that time the game was still really fun, especially with friends. But have among us' popularity this game tried duplicate and failed, it's fanbase became mostly toxic making playing with randoms horrible most of the time, the game just felt bland and not unique after the newer changes. The game may be free but it's honestly not even worth playing anymore.

This game is ok, with it's soundtrack being really good, but gameplay it just didn't really catch with me. It felt repetitive with it being most of the time doing the same thing over and over again it get's tedious, got to a point where I really just didn't even feel like playing it anymore. It's graphics are really good and it's music is super good but fails in trying to keep you entertained throughout.

Much smoother experience than the first game, with bringing the same concept but with new characters that do much better at it's objective. With each character leaving interesting conversations even with other characters being gone, every character have been done a lot better with you almost feeling bad when they are out of the game. There is plenty to play the game for with it's items you can obtain via unlocks and the in-game credits that you get by playing the game. This game is worth at least a chance if you are able to play it. Because it's not really the most possible thing to obtain since it's no longer available to buy.

Really interesting concept, just not the greatest choices for characters with a couple characters not really having the greatest dialogue, one can barely even have conversations.

I would consider this one a classic, from it's amazing story telling to it's unique gameplay mechanics, it's a amazing experience. There are multiple endings to explore, which leads to over 10+ hours of gameplay if you want to really explore everything. There is plenty of depth to a lot of the characters and it fits all of this into a nice 16 bit-styled visuals with it being based off of earthbound. I have played this game for a long time, for sure one of my favorite games of all time.

The story for this game was really good, even with it being short in comparison to other games it was a pleasant experience with it being what it wanted to be. In the sense of multiplayer it's a blast with it's fast pacing and super fun gunplay it's very worth getting.

One of the best games of the decade, it introduced and continues to do so to a great huge sandbox that is simple to learn and understand via a block based grid system. Both for creative and survival this game defines what it means to be a sandbox. A must have game honestly.

Honestly one of my favorite games of all time, from it's amazing graphics to it's story. Everything about this game's just simply has a charm. There is far more emotion put into every little aspect of the game, where as there is details in every corner. The atmosphere of this game is VERY different from the first game but it's for the better, as the game does it really well. Soundtrack is so good I still listen to it by itself from time to time, memorable characters with absolutely phenomenal story telling. Classic 100%

Really good execution, with the nice simple aesthetic of the game, the good puzzles, the dialogue, and the story. This game still does not fail to impress even nowadays.

A overall really fun experience, does a battle royale correctly. Gameplay is supreme with there being little to no RNG in sight, unique take on a top down shooter, plus the really fun and cute cosemetics. With plenty of free ones to really keep you playing. This game is a lot funner with friends but since the community for this game is still rather small it's easy to recognize other players you fought after a while. Which makes really the whole attitude the players have this game far more positive. Plus it's free-to-play, it's really sweet.