"So let me get this straight, you think Lego Indiana Jones is more iconic than Lego Star Wars?"


This isn't as good as the third or even the first game but it still bangs a considerate amount

Very impactful and emotional, this VN got me thinking about a lot of things

It didn't hit me as hard as it did my brother but regardless it's still a very genuine tale about people in awful circumstances

So I've actually played a bit of this as a kid on the PS2, but couldn't get past one of Krew's missions near the beginning of the game
This game became a bit of a cursed game for me because it was a part of the third series of the PS2 platformer trio and I couldn't finish it unlike with Sly Cooper and Ratchet & Clank
But I finally beat it now as an adult, and suffice to say, it's both a step up and a step down from the first game

The story is a major step up; the darker tone allowed the world to be fleshed out more and while it can be a bit too edgy at times, I enjoyed it as a whole and a whole lot more than Jak 1
Generally speaking, the gameplay is also a step up, as guns have been introduced to Jak's moveset and it makes the combat somewhat more fun
I also want to give props to this game's atmosphere, it really gives a feeling of dreary and dystopian city with the music and presentation
But the big steps down are the level design and vehicle segments: the levels, while decently designed, are not nearly as memorable as the locales in Jak 1
The vehicle segments in Jak 1 were not amazing but I'd take them gladly over most of what Jak 2 has, especially the Titan Suit, fuck the Titan Suit, all my homies hate the Titan Suit
As for the difficulty, while I did get frustrated at this game a fair bit, I knew it was going to be a difficult game from my previous experiences with the game, so I didn't mind it as much
However, I do prefer this game over Jak 1
Why is that? I'm not really sure, but I feel like I'd like this game more on a replay
Excited to check out Jak 3 soon

If we're discussing "hood classics", this game better come up during the conversation

No fucking words, this is a masterpiece from start to finish

Missile the top pomeranian also

Dopamine from collecting items is so cool

I wish missiles were real

This was great, it comes with some bullshit as per usual for Sonic, but this was even better than Sonic 2
Don't know why there are people who think this game is worse than Sonic 1

Fucked up how he really does whatever a spider can

There are many reasons why we have hands, most important of which, is of course, forfeiting all mortal possessions to Sly Cooper

Thank you for your service Sly Cooper

Such a big step-up from Sonic 1, played this very casually throughout the year and it was pleasant

Can't wait to get to Sonic 3&K and say it's even better

All hail Donald Duck he is our savior in this trying time

Nintendo in 2007 really went like: "Time to make one of the best 3D platformers ever on a console named Wii"

(I actually like the name Wii but shhhh)

My second favorite Tales game and a certified banger