I love Detroit a lot but it is flawed I think while it has an amazing story and the whole choose your own adventure aspect is done bette rhere than most games ever but this game is really goofy sometimesthats about it

uhh fuck genshin,seriously don't play it

So coming from a not big assassins creed fan I think this game is great in relativity to other ac games it has a really good story Edward is a lovable protagonist and great combat segments but I think that the ship combat sucks so much I hate it and the side content just isn't that fun for me but I think the core of the game is amazing awesome pirate game

It’s alright I don’t hate this game as much as some of my friends but it’s not great I’m not a fan of the story but it has it’s moments same with the combat I don’t love it but it’s serviceable

Holy shit how did they do this judgement is a masterful yakuza game and has some of the best combat in the series and it has a great story I love it

This game is so great on switch it just fits and with the new added content it’s a masterpiece of an experience love it so much

The polar opposite of danganronpa 1 as in this game the gsmeplay is amazing but the writing and characters are a large step down but honestly this game has some really high points especially chapter 2 and 4 are amazing

I enjoy this game a lot it has better villains than person 5 royal but thats kinda all it does better I think the characters aren’t as fun this time the gameplay is a step down and for some weird reason the cell shading makes my head really hurt.

Probably one of my favorite choice based games up there with life is strange but just absolutely beautiful

Damn this game has a great story I really like how the story unfolds and the new characters introduced I think the combat is also pretty good its not as abysmal as 6's combat but not near how amazing judgements combat is it's really great just in general and ryuji is the best villain in the series no competition.

So I love this games campaign I would give it like an 8 out of 10 but the multiplayer is just not for me, first of all I'm terrible at it but the matchmaking always feels like I get with players who are ten time better than me but this is probably just that I'm really bad at the game.

One of the only games I can play any time and I'll still love it cause its great the only thing is it only is really fun to play with a friend or group of friends.

A really chill and sweet game that can kinda get you in the feels and something I would honestly play again.

i love this game a great fun beginning to this great series one of the best in the playstation history it’s great

Still probably one of the best stories im gaming in addition beinga fun game and really interestingI can’t say much else it’s great