I spent too much money and time on this game...

I didnt enjoyed this game at all to be honnest but I can understand that some people can like this game.
( These people are able to eat poop in the morning )

The game with the hardest mechanics, very fun.
No I lied its not fun at all, im diamond 2 I spent hours to get that champions rank but my stupid mates can hit the ball properly ( also the rank are bad, like there is not a lot of difference beetween a diamond and a champions player)

Very good game the franchise is known to be a fabulous experience

The game is beautiful, the fight is not that bad and music are good but the gambling side of the game make it less fun to play, I am AR 43 and the real game start at AR 45 because of the artefact farming shit. Multiplayer is just useless but its a good point cause I think this game have one the worst community ever.
The game is way too much repetitive, the story nobody care its just long ass and annoying speech.
The only reason to play is to farm primogems to play cool character ( if you waited months for their banners to come first ).

One of the greatest exploration game ever, the story is just insane and it ask you 100% of your brain.
200% recommend !

One of the greatest platformers I ever played, the story is very good, it is worth his price !!

I finished this game 3 times idk why.
Very cool game tho

I had a lot of fun playing this game but idk why I didnt continue...

Very good games, the main character is nice very niice veryyyy niiice

The gameplay isnt the worst but damn I never seen such bad graphics in my whole life, the game became boring very fast, I would not recommend.

Very good, I love lunching the game just to ride in my custum mazda rx7 but holy shit player are so toxic in multiplayer.

A pure masterpiece, the game is beautiful and the story one of the greatest in gaming.
100% recommend this game to anyone, sadly the multiplayer is just abandonned by the devs, its funny in the beginning with friends but its always getting boring, also there is too much cheater wich ruins the multiplayer experience.