This is literally every video game according to old people. The proverbial antichrist.

It feels like there's a "gotcha" moment every two seconds with the enemy placement. It got tiresome in Doom 2 and it's even worse here. I'm constantly out of bullets despite rarely missing. Skill issue, I guess.


I like the strange and cursed feel of the world, but the gameplay is lackluster. Both the combat and puzzles are incredibly basic. I have no motivation to continue. Random encounters aren't fun, either.


The level design and enemy types seemed decent enough based on the short while I played. The emphasis on platforming and collecting items makes it stand out. Not having a crosshair in an FPS feels wrong.

I wasn't impressed during the short while I played. The shooting felt janky and there was a lot of cheesy 90's dialogue/asethetics (and not in a good way).

I wanted to enjoy this, but the survival aspects are tedious, repetitive and time-consuming. You constantly need to backtrack, which hurts the exploration. I think it would be a lot more enjoyable in multiplayer (since you could divvy up the labor), but that's sadly not an option without modding. I wish there was a map/cartography mechanic as well.

The performance leaves a lot to be desired. My PC was running loudly despite being well above the system requirements.

It's probably a lot more fun in multiplayer.

Boring and repetitive gameplay. It doesn't respect the player's time. This doesn't need to take 20+ hours to beat. There isn't enough gameplay here to warrant that much time.

The first few levels I played were solid.
The DRM is intrusive and unnecessary. I got interrupted while playing because of a server issue—quite the immersion breaker.

I wasn't too impressed. The level design seemed pretty meh based on the three I played. All of the stage themes were very short and repetitive.

The stingy continue system is unfortunate. The rest of the game is fine. I still prefer SOTN and later entries. Maybe Rondo of Blood will change that.


I like the art direction and unique setting, but Norco falls short in other key areas. None of the characters felt particularly well-developed and the puzzles were unengaging. It's all over the place tonally. The serious story bits and awkward/unfunny attempts at comedy don't mesh well (e.g., the lol so random cat scene and toilet humor). Combat felt clunky and unnecessary. The story just sort of meanders before ending abruptly.

The autosave feature is useless since it rarely activates (not even for each perspective shift). The lack of Steam Cloud support is annoying, too.

It would be nice if the commentary rooms with new puzzles were marked. Even in the dev commentary, they're pretentious and specifically hate on Japanese games🙄.


The anniversary edition is better.

The presentation and story are very generic. The gameplay is solid so far.

The possibility of getting a game over for a 25-hour campaign makes this rather stressful. Skill issue, I know.