This is my favorite game of all time. Not necessarily due to the story or the combat, and not even the characters (even though I love them) the reason this is my favorite game is simply because at the time I had never experienced anything like it.

I was 14 and at the time and really wanted to play a game that was mainly a Slice of Life but was an ACTUAL game and not a Vn. After a bit of searching I found Persona 5 but at the time I only had a pc which 5 wasn’t on in 2021 so I settled for P4. And after booting it up It didn’t even take an hour until I was completely hooked by the game and fell in love with this series.

From its art style and music to the social elements, it was like the game was specifically made for me. It took me a whole year to finish P4 so in a way I quite literally grew up with the characters over a year of their and my life and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to match that experience again with a game.

And of course when my long journey came to an end the conclusion absolutely destroyed me and I was bawling in my room like my dog had died, just for the true ending to have me smiling like an idiot not even two hours later. Easily my GOAT.

This game is insanely frustrating at points and has many flaws, despite all that I still love it and the ending HIT.

I set my expectations WAY too high, still a great game though

I watched this because the gameplay looked atrocious, and I’m glad I did because the story was pretty solid and I know that my experience would’ve been ruined if I had played it.

I bought this on whim because it was $2 on the Nintendo store and I’m glad I did because I love this game, and it only takes like thirty minutes to finish.

Real ass game, if they added a fucking repel it’d be better Ong

Yeah that was a banger, all the Disney worlds were fun asf, and the combat slapped. Aqua is fine asf so that gets it points. Ventus is very silly and adorable so that gets it points, and Terra Xenohart is hot asf so overall peak ass KH game if you like KH1/2 I don’t see how you’ll dislike this. The endings are also incredible and some of the best in the franchise.

How the fuck did level design peak in a game from 2005?

First game to make me love games tbh, before they were just silly and fun but this shit meant something to 11 year old me man.

Great game but I really don’t know how to feel about the ending, conceptually it’s great but it just wasn’t satisfying, like the Ff9 ending for example. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing but personally I like to feel satisfied when I finish a game.

Amazing game, at first I wasn’t too sure about the ending but I’ve grown to love it, one of my favorites.

This game was really ahead of its time which I’m sure is said to death but some of these set pieces and boss fights are just insane for the Ps2. The story while not as simple and clean (💀) as the first game is still solid for the most part, and makes up for its flaws in the incredible emotional payoffs it gives the player for sticking with this 4 game saga. The entire ending itself is also amazing and honestly is great stopping point if you’re not too interested in the other games because Kh2 really does wrap everything up perfectly. Of course I’d recommend the other games though, I love BBS!