“ Twill be a cold, dark, and very gentle place. And one day, it will make someone a goodly home.”
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What I Liked:

What I Didn’t Like:


I’ll fill this out later

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What I Liked:

What I Didn’t Like:


I’ll fill this out later

| What I Like |
- Dominating and building an orc army is one of the coolest things ive ever done in a game similar to this
- The nemesis system is one of the most creative and FUN systems in gaming that I have more hours in the now removed Nemesis Forge than in the campaign
- Troy Baker is perfect in every role, that includes Talion
- The story is very underrated but at times feels like missions exist just for the sake of extending the game
- Uruk aren't all serious and threatening you can find a lot of entertaining and goofy ones too
- Using Uruk weaknesses to kill them feels intense on harder difficulties but very fun

| What I Don't Like |
- Gameplay feels a little strange at times and I can't explain why
- More characters needed to be fleshed out and exist just for plot
- Nemesis Forge removed and no replacement sandbox mode
- The nemesis system could have revolutionized many open world action adventure games but was copyrighted by WB....
- Accidentally killed my strongest warchief at the click of one button

| My Score |
4/5 - Overall there are definitely things this game needed to improve upon but is still a lot of fun even just messing around with the open world and nemesis system which honestly CARRY this game but I do wish they kept the nemesis forge which gave me my fondest memories of this game

| What I Like |
- Addicting and fun gameplay loop
- Extremely fun and challenging lethal difficulty
- Extremely fun with you and 1-3 friends in a multiplayer session
- Survivor skills and traits
- Permadeath increases stakes especially on higher difficulty making many situations intense
- Fun progression system, nothing special but gets the job done
- Frequent innovative updates since 2018
- Xbox crossplay

| What I Don't Like |
- Can be repetitive after long hours
- At times too much going on at once
- Grind to keep grinding
- Voice acting can be mixed

| My Score |
4.5/5- Engaging and just really fun zombie survival game that many people will fairly dismiss as a boring loot simulator but to someone willing to hop on with a group of friends, this game offers some of the most fun you'll have with a multiplayer survival game and for me personally created some great memories and turned this game into something my friends and I keep coming back to

| What I Like |
- Lovable and fun characters with great writing
- One of the most underrated and fantastic soundtracks
- Choices feel like they matter
- Nails the atmosphere as a hitchhike to the border
- Perfect for a gaming burnout

| What I Don't Like |
- Many scenes can end up looking a little awkward
- Game requires two or three playthroughs to see all character scenes

| My Score |
4.5/5 - Honestly I just enjoyed this game way too much to give it anything lower, I can recommend this to anyone

| What I Like |
- Fun gameplay loop
- Lovable and fun characters
- Really cool looking cosmetics (usually)
- Graphics
- Easy to get into

| What I Don't Like |
- Terrible balancing, creating issues the same patch that one is addressed
- Extreme overpriced monetization
- PVE cancellation
- The game is essentially viewed as a quick cashgrab by Activision
- Too many new heroes too frequently means balancing issues and harder for new players to get used to all the heroes

| My Score |
3/5 - Although there are many negatives with the game I still have a lot of love for the game and still enjoy playing it. I think the game will definitely improve with the Microsoft acquisition although for now it is a pretty mixed mess

| What I Like |
- Some of the most realistic and well written characters I've seen in a game
- Fantastic character creator in both builds and appearance
- Makes turn based combat fun
- Emulates a tabletop roleplaying game such as d&d VERY well
- Perfect soundtrack that I found myself singing or humming to the first time I was listening to them
- Easy to get into for D&D players AND makes easy for players to get into D&D
- Very fun and welcoming community
- Mod friendly

| What I Don't Like |
- New players struggle with levelling
- You have to do every side quest every playthrough or risk being extremely underlevelled and sometimes cant go back
- Boss battles rely on having 20+ extra enemies to make it harder over a fun unique boss encounter
- Too fun to waste 10 hours on........

| My Score |
5/5 - I can think of very little wrong with this game and those flaws may not even last as the devs continue to take player feedback and not only enhance but increase the game and its endless list of deserved praise

| What I Like |
- Good setup for some funny moments
- Occasionally some chill people

| What I Don't Like |
- Reliance on having a good community
- Incredibly racist, homophobic and annoying community
- Rest of community is either an old Call Me Kevin fan or an Adin Ross fan
- Game is pretty much dead and given up on

| My Score |
1/5 - Can't give this game much praise at all aside from its concept and how it was probably fun at its most popular

| What I Like |
- Cool concept
- Fun customization
- Good voice acting (mostly)
- Very fan service (not in the anime way)

| What I Don't Like |
- Too much going on at once and I know that's the point but it's done in a way thats not fun at all
- For a game putting 'all the characters in one night' none of the characters retain the way they originally worked (eg: toy freddy has his own mini game you have to play)
- The controls....
- Overall a very poor game even by Scott Cawthon standards

| My Score |
1.5/5 - Yes its a cool concept but this could've been a game I'd return to every so often over the other fnaf games to get a little something from all of them, instead it's something I'd rather never touch again

| What I Like |
- An emotional and extremely fun AND well written adventure that you feel as if you grow with and it's characters
- Fantastic usage of the zombie genre to create amazing tension and tough to make choices
- Perfect emotional peaks that had me bawling
- A perfect conclusion that closes the door to any potential sequel while keeping you satisfied

| What I Don't Like |
- Having to clean away my tears
- Many choices don't matter at all or end up not mattering after an episode or two
- The direction of season 2, most people will enjoy playing it but looking back at is, it was a complete mess
- Season 3 making every season 2 ending mean nothing

| My Score |
10/10 - Honestly judging just for the first and final season I think the story and characters are some of the closest to perfection I've ever seen and although the game most definitely fails as a choice driven game, it excels in its storytelling and characters

| What I Like |
- Great multiplayer with moments that will create unforgettable memories for a group of 4
- Soundtrack to make you ascend
- Very funny
- New/casual gamer friendly

| What I Don't Like |
- Button mash for 8 hours
- Repetitive
- Lack of reason to replay more than a few times

| My Score |
4.5/5 - I'd be lying if I didn't mention that nostalgia greatly influences the score but I just love this game to death and think it's a must play for everyone

| What I Like |
- The extremely uncomfortable atmosphere
- Jumpscares
- Uneasiness
- Background details

| What I Don't Like |
- I had to restart like 3 times
- Only 20 minutes although there's nothing much else it needed to do

| My Score |
8/10 - It may only be 20 minutes, but the atmosphere it creates alone is enough to push this up to an 8 as it nails horror in a way I've always wanted

| What I Like |
- Alike episode 1, creates an incredibly uncomfortable atmosphere
- Jumpscares just as good as episode 1
- Implies some pretty heavy stuff if this is based on a real story
- Perfect game length
- Cool radio songs

| What I Don't Like |
- Couldn't find the coffee machine for 10 minutes.....

| My Score |
8/10 - Just like episode 1, the atmosphere of this is really unmatched by any other horror series I've played. It's scary, it's eerie, it's uncomfortable and just hits the nail on the head when you know what's in that room, but you're still scared to open it

| What I Like |
- The campaign is not only extremely satisfying sendoff to the original trilogy but just as enjoyable to new fans without prior knowledge of the series
- The custom games, the community for this game made some of the most fun out of the multiplayer mad editor and game mode editor that it just blows my mind
- The multiplayer is very fun and doesn't require a large amount of skill
- The map design for both campaign and multiplayer is perfect and way ahead of its time
- The graphics were also very ahead of their time and I argue hold up today for a 2007 game
- The armor customization is great and having 343 add NEW ones is so insane
- Legendary difficulty may seem easy compared to Halo 2A but is one of the most well balanced legendary difficulties of the series
- The menu music
- Forge mode works amazing as both map maker and editor
- Split screen makes for some amazing moments

| What I Don't Like |
- Sniper jackals... they're not broken they're just annoying

| My Score |
5/5 - No first person shooter will ever come close to this game for me and although I may not have been around for its prime, I guarantee I can share the love with someone who was

| What I Like |
- One of the best written characters in gaming
- Very fun open world without having too much to collect
- Many fun weapons and cool outfits
- Amazing soundtrack and voice work
- Charming graphics
- Amazing lore
- Really feel like an assassin

| What I Don't Like |
- Outdated controls and design, its an old game but I'd love a remaster/remake
- May not be as good on replay

| My Score |
4.5/5 - An extremely influential game not only to AC but to open world games as a whole featuring extremely influential AND well written protagonist to go along with an amazing journey that its crazy to think this is only the start of....