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Serious finished Liberation Maiden
Liberation maiden is a short but sweet game for the price it was formerly offered at. The gameplay consists 100% of you blasting around at high speeds in a flying mech while shooting everything in sight. Interestingly aiming is controlled with the touch screen, which highlights both the flaws and advantages of this control method. On one hand, the touch screen gives you an extremely high and satisfying degree of accuracy, and it's great to be able to have your cursor anywhere at any time. On the other hand however, it's very awkward to hold a 3DS in such a way while playing such an action focussed game, and you'll likely find your hand frequently cramping up. Aside from this one issue however, the game is a very fun and nice looking shooter game. I’d almost call it a bullet hell but it doesn't ever reach a super high level of difficulty.

The game is very short, but as i mentioned before it was originally sold at quite a cheap price so I don’t have too much of an issue with it. The story is pretty bare-bones and features some okay looking anime cutscenes, but that's about it. My main complaint with Liberation Maiden is that the ost for the first level is one of the best pieces of music for an action game I’ve ever heard, and then it immediately switches to elevator stock music for the remainder of the game.

For a little 1-2 hour experience Liberation Maiden is a fairly fun little gem. It's definitely worth downloading if you happen to own a modded 3DS.

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