I haven't played many games that have put me on edge as much as this one did. After RE7, this is definitely the second scariest RE game imo. I love the overall vibe and story of the earlier RE games as in 0,1,3 and Code Veronica where its a grounded story about a bioweapon virus that goes to shit. All the mystery/conspiracy and the survival horror elements commonly found in these earlier titles are very much present in this one too. I haven't played the original but this remake was a great experience blind. It kind of made me dislike RE3 Remake (which I played prior) a little because I didn't realize how similar the areas where to this, the police station, sewers and Umbrella HQ, are all areas I visited in both, although they're not exactly the same, there are many reused rooms. This along with the Nemesis which mimics Mr. X in this game, but Mr. X is on a whole other level of scary. Hearing his footsteps would always traumatize me and I had a few moments where I would tiptoe out of a room making sure my footsteps can't be heard, then with a quick turn around the corner we would come face to face. This leaves much more of a shock over the scripted scenes in RE3 where you always knew where the Nemesis was.

The dialogue is a bit cringe at times, and feels like it was written by Japanese who base their dialogue off cheesy 80s American action movies. It can be pretty cliché or there's lines that are completely out of place, like when Ada blows up a vent and says "Like candy from a baby", this is a laughably weird time to say such a thing and I don't even think makes sense in that context.

The graphics and atmosphere are top notch, and the game focuses heavy on psychological horror rather than jump scares even though there were some of those at times.

Something I didn't like was the A-B story mechanic. I originally played as Leon, then when beating the game, I'm given the option to play Claire's side which was advertised to show what happens with her while you were playing with Leon, completing both A and B stories also unlocks the true ending . I decided to go ahead and do the Claire B story to find that its the exact same game only you're playing as Claire. Puzzles are identical, the solution locations are slightly altered, enemy placement is slightly changed as if that does anything, rooms and areas also the same. Surprisingly bosses are the same, so as Leon I would walk on a grate that collapses, fight a boss, kill it, then in Claire's story which happens around the same time, the grate is magically fixed, it breaks again when I walk on it and then I fight the same boss which Leon has made dead. I ended up quitting the B story about a quarter in because I found it to be a waste of time. From what I've heard, there are some bigger changes later on like a new orphanage area, if that's worth it to you then it could be worth the playthrough but I just ain't that guy.

Apparently in the original this duo story is very well done where different things actually happen, actions also impact the other character playthrough so I might check that out in the future, kinda sucks they didn't do that here.

I've pretty much played every mainline RE game at this point other than 6 which I'm not sure I will ever finish due to how bad it is, but I can confidently say this game is def up there as one of the best in the series and up there for horror games in general.

A bit disappointing.

I've heard a lot of people rank this as the best in the series but I just can't agree. The game is practically the same as the first with an introduction of two new pikmin types, white and purple. The purple ones didn't really have any use the entire game other than carrying a heavy optional treasure thanks to their increased carry limit. Other than that I never used them as there was no need, they do have an ability to shock enemies for like half a second when you throw them since they're heavy but I don't find its worth carrying them for just that when you got red Pikmin. I did find myself using white Pikmin here and there, and thought them to be a cool addition. One of my favorite things about this game that wasn't in the first is this little detail of how the Pikmin occasionally sing when you travel with them, pretty adorable. The story is fitting, very simple involving repaying a debt through collecting treasures that resemble real life objects that were polluted, lots of Nintendo Easter eggs with these items. Overall the game is very similar to the first with less Pikmin related puzzles but more combat.

The main thing that brings this game down for me, and it's a big negative, is the only other addition which were the caves. I have no clue why they added dungeon crawling to this game and made it the prime focus. The caves have some randomness to it where floors have the same enemies and loot but the layout is rearranged every time you reload it. In theory it sounds cool and many games have done this by now but this one does not cap the bullshit. I would dive into a cave and be given a layout where a big black Bulborb is put right beside me that would commit genocide on my Pikmin before I can even react. I would then have to restart the game, load back in and hope for a better layout, this is all without a restart checkpoint or last save button so I would have to manually close the game, boot it up, and wait every time. There were some pretty cool bosses in these caves but all the bullshit with the random spawning really ruined it for me, it isn't even a skill issue just luck. Also some of them would take way way too long to finish with over 15 floors. I am very glad they took this out of Pikmin 3, I heard they do return in Pikmin 4, and I wouldnt mind this as long as they fixed this kind of thing.

Not a bad game but definitely has it's flaws, I should have stopped once I finished the main story rather than collecting every treasure. Still looking forward to Pikmin 4

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This is cinema.

Easily the best game I've played this year so far. The intro with Thor and Odin coming to Kratos' house and the fight that occurs is peak. What this game really nailed was the character development. I do still think the story (and intro) in the first game were superior but similar to Mass Effect 2 were the story was better in the first and characters in the second, this game develops the shit out of everybody. Kratos changes so much from the first game and is one hell of a daddy figure. Freya, Mimir, Atreus, Thor, Odin, Brok, Sindri, Tyr, all these characters feel real and I actually cared or was interested in them. This game also splits up who you play as a few times, so there's sections were you play as Atreus instead of Kratos. Normally, I'm not a fan of this kind of thing, like in Spiderman how you would play as Mary Jane or Miles Morales, it just wasn't fun and actually would become tiresome. In this game; however, I really didn't mind, Atreus was super smooth and had his own unique fighting style; the story was always still there too. The combat and graphics of course are very much upgraded and feels next gen, some areas looked truly beautiful on my big TV.

A few complaints I have is that the game doesn't change a whole lot from the first. Of course it's a continuation of the story but there wasn't much added other than a new weapon, new armor, skill tree, and other generic stuff. The weapon is cool and all but I was expecting a bit more innovation. Collectibles are also pretty much the same with the chests, ravens, tears, etc... The side quests are all great though, similar to the first.

The only character I didn't like was Thor's daughter. There was a very out of place scene near the end with Thor being in a bar drinking his life away and her daughter getting emotional asking him to change his habits. It was made very serious and tried to go deep but it wasn't emotional at all but rather quite cringe. Why am I supposed to get invested in this dudes drinking problem completely out of nowhere? Especially when that's one of the factors that make him cool. I was surprised why they threw that in there, it doesn't serve much purpose. Also the armor menus were a little confusing to navigate, it took me a decent amount of time to get used to unlike the first.

Both were great fun to platinum with this one being less tedious but taking more time. After finishing both of these games I can confidently say that imo Kratos is the greatest video game protagonist that has ever been created.

The only Pikmin game I've played prior to this was 3 on the Wiiu and I remember having a lot of fun with it. It was interesting to see where it all originated from. The graphics are a bit outdated but it doesn't look bad, I actually quite appreciate the old aesthetic and the controls seem modern, overall the game aged well for being over 20 years old.

Although the Pikmin don't speak, the game does a wonderful job of humanizing them, I felt horrible whenever a single one would die and would try my best to save as many as I can. The game like 3, is super creative, I can't imagine thinking of a game where a petit fella crash lands with his ship parts scattered and in order to get them back, you form an alliance with an army of little flower people which you then throw at enemies who's corpses are then brought back to their onion bulb ship in order to multiply, wow. The Japanese have done it once again.

The game doesn't hold your hand at all which I like. There were enemies like the final boss or the floating frogs who would wipe out a third of your Pikmin in one attack, I can't imagine doing a run where I lose zero of them but I know it can be done. Normally I am not a fan of in game timers but the 30 days and general day cycle is very generous, I believe I found all 30 parts in 17 days. One small flaw is that the puzzles involving Pikmin were quite simple, there wasn't much strategy needed for any of them which is something I hope to see more of when I play the second and fourth one.

After this experience I look forward to playing the rest of them.

My opinion changed a lot the more I played this game.

When I first started it, I was completely hooked. The beginning sky island area is well designed and gets you familiar with the new cool abilities that I used much more then the ones in BOTW. The graphics and size of the world are also super impressive for being a Switch title.

Once I finished the tutorial area which took around 5 hours, everything started going downhill. The game is basically an exact copy of BOTW. The enemies are identical with the only new ones being these small robots that have replaced guardians and some dragon mini boss which I didn't bother fighting. Armor sets are also the same, there are a few new additions but to get many of them is a real chore. The main negative is that the map and story are pretty much identical to BOTW. The whole sky island I found to be a really cool concept but there's almost none of that in the rest of the game. That tutorial sky island is the largest with none of the rest being as remotely interesting anywhere. They're all very tiny with nothing on them and no reason to visit them except shrines. Another addition was an entire underground world which sounds cool and again is quite technically impressive for the Switch but after 20 minutes I decided to never go there again unless I needed to progress the story. It's all empty copy pasted land with nothing special and no reason to explore it. This leaves the main land left and as I've repeatedly said, it is an exact copy of BOTW I keep finding the need to say it over and over since I'm still amazed at how little they decided to change for this hyped $90 game. I played the shit out of BOTW in 2019 and even after 6 years so many things felt familiar, practically nothing surprised me in my playthrough. The story is very generic and worse then BOTW imo. Once again you find 4 sages then gain their powers to defeat Ganon; only this time the sages are younger kid versions who were made into anime personalities for some reason. The dungeons I found to be a downgrade and as they were much easier than BOTW, that goes for the shrines as well; they were still quite enjoyable and my favorite part of the game. I really thought I'd spend a lot of time on this game especially with the increased price tag but that was not the case. In BOTW I spend around 150hrs with 100% completion, in this game I did all shrines, a few uninteresting side quests, and the story picking up whatever korok seeds I find on my way which brought me to around 65 hours with no urge to do anything else but put it back on the shelf. Why play anymore when I pretty much experienced all of it already in BOTW? I'm very tired of this new Zelda formula and would love to see it go back to its core.

The one thing I did quite enjoy with the story was the ending. The Ganon boss fight was solid, one of the best in Zelda and a huge improvement from the BOTW final boss. The ending cinematic was also amazing. Seeing that caught me off guard, it made me wish they focused on story more as it showed they are capable. I was impressed that there could be such epic cinematics in a Zelda game and wish there was more of it throughout the story rather then using the most bare bones RPG story that goes all the way back to Final Fantasy on the NES. This game has no reason for existing. A sequel like this was not needed, this felt much more of a quality of life update with new sandbox stuff and that's about it. This was not a GOTY 2023 contender to me.

Quite overrated.

I constantly hear the praise of this game but found it to be very familiar and at times boring.

The swinging is cool and traversing New York is probably what this game does best. Its literally Manhattan and I recognized quite a few landmarks from when I've been. Combat although satisfying, is extremely easy and makes any difficulty setting redundant. The collectibles were just not fun and eventually became a chore, I kind of regret going for all of them. It's just Ubisoftesque, go here collect this, go here kill enemies, go here do a time challenge, nothing original and there were just way too many of them. Side missions were also very generic, I can't remember anything about a single one while writing this review and I played this game 3 months ago; however, I can remember multiple God of War side quests, from over a year ago.

The story was very okay, I only got invested in Act 3 and thought the ending was done very well. I wasn't a big fan of Miles or MJ's characters and wished their gameplay sections weren't included. This Peter Parker; however, I think is one of the best representations of him I've ever seen.

The platinum was very straightforward to get but quite time consuming due to the lame collectibles. DLC was also super ok, same thing as base game, Black Cat is hot and Hammerhead is one of the most boring representations of a mafia character I've seen in fiction, very impressed how they screwed him up.

Overall I don't think I'd touch this ever again it had some good moments but I just can't see the hype around it. I am still interested in playing the sequels though.

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Not bad at all. The story was engaging with likeable characters and I had a good time. I feel like I like Batman stuff more because of this game which I would never expect.

My most noticeable negative is that I thought the Jokers voice actor was pretty bad and even cringe, his model was odd and just everything about him felt off. He's probably the worst portrayal of Joker I've seen other than Jared Leto's. Two face on the other hand was great and I liked seeing his transformation to develop the split personality. Penguin was also unique and it was refreshing to not see him again as a bald stinky midget.

I wish the game had decisions that actually matter, I did everything I could to save Two-Face and prevent him from becoming evil but the game just wouldn't let me, everything happens as planned regardless and you don't have much control, other than a few minor changes such as how a character likes you more than another or different dialogue options. Because of this, it's not very repayable but I was still very much entertained so I can move past this. TWD Telltales games are the exact same way and some of my favorite games I've ever played, so I can't really criticize one over the other.

I'm looking forward to playing the sequel.

Solid af.

Loved the world and how everything would lead back to the main area, Firelink shrine. Everything is interconnected beautifully. The Firelink shrine theme is also a banger and got me feeling stuff I don't even know how to explain. It was just so cathartic beating a chore of a boss then limping back to firelink and hearing that relaxing music while spending my hard earned souls.

I didn't find the game difficult but the hardest part was without a doubt the Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough boss fight. I must have spent an hour dying but I was slowly improving. By the time I was getting the hand of it, the boss glitched out of the screen and died instantly I still have no idea what happened. This was the only glitch I ever experienced in the whole game which I found funny.

The DLC, also solid, it had great boss fights that were fair and basically skill checks, none of them felt as impossible as Ornstein and Smough. Artorias is probably one of the best bosses I've fought in a video game, I knew where to improve every time I died and had his move set down to a study. Incredibly satisfying when I took him down.

One complain is that the game doesn't hold your hand whatsoever in terms of where you need to go, I had to pull up a guide a few times to show me where to go next according to my level. You can do that or either go to an area under leveled to die 20 times and figure out this isn't actually the place you're supposed to go to yet. Plus the paths you are supposed to go to are so well blended in the not so good graphics that I doubt I would have even been able to find them on my own.

This game was just a bit harder than Demon Souls (the only other Soulsborne I've played) but nothing rage worthy. Would love to play this again

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This game ain't it bruh. Heavy Rain is still Quantic dreams best.

First the pros, this game does have great graphics for its age, and a cool system where you can see how complicated the possible paths would get after completing a chapter, but that's basically it.

I didn't click with most of the characters and actually disliked most of them. Hank and Connors story was definitely the best but it's a very basic buddy cop story, their acting is what carried it. Hanks character I did like a lot actually, he is a common arc type of the has been cop but again it was the performance that won me over not so much the character itself.

The game actually has a very strong first hour, hour and a half. Marcus' story was interesting, seeing him help that cool liberal oldie and question art but goes completely downhill after escaping the junkyard, Kara's as well with trying to take care of a little girl while also appeasing an abusive addict owner but falls off after her escape where she finds the house with the friendly black giant and pedo. The game's intro with Kara getting a ride home for the first time and seeing the new rainy Detroit accompanied by relaxing piano music I found absolutely incredible and felt like an original movie. But this is where most of the originality ends as many ideas are taken straight from other movies that do it much better, like how the first Connor-Hank investigation is a copy of the opening to Se7en, the pedo experimenting on androids who then revolt against him is literally Sid's arc from Toy Story, the big black guy being a friendly giant with a big heart is The Green Mile, the scene where Hank needs to find out who the real Connor is when there's a replica of him then asks something only the real Connor would know has been in every cartoon/kids movie I've ever seen. It's okay to take inspiration from things but this is laughably way too similar.

Not once did I care about the androids or felt that they were alive, they would constantly chant that they're alive and deserve freedom but I never once was shown why and rather found them dislikeable. The plot twist with the little girl being an android was a joke, they could've shown that an android can care for another human which then shows humans and android can coexist but instead they showed an android "loving" another android which was shown multiple times throughout the game although not deeply just "wow look they're holding hands that means they're in love haha". The dialogue isn't real it was AI generated, not even a robot convinced me its a robot, every single characters calls the girl Kara looks after "little one" which reminds you that all the characters were written by the exact same hack, David Cage. This game made me hate androids. Long live the human race.

The modern graphics and gameplay trump the originals but I still enjoyed those more due to it's nostalgic feel and a nice character arc for Ratchet. They also changed up Chairmen Drek which I disliked a bit, in this reimaging he's much more on the side, the voice actor and new design also aren't as good. The final boss fight is different and made way easier Ryno or not , I did enjoy the challenge of the original but the overall set design of this new boss fight is pretty cool, its very action packed. The card system was a nice little touch.

I really don't know what more to say about it, it was just a fun time. I don't see myself coming back to this game over the originals other than to platinum it. If people want to try the series I again suggest to start with the originals but I do think this game is still worth playing.