Wuhu Island shall forever be part of my childhood.

Had the potential to be better than PvZ, but the balance design is a mess.

The overworld is a confusing mess. The story and the villains are good fun though.

Very basic concept that becomes really unintuitive and glitchy by the end.

The hand-drawn style creates some beautiful landscapes, but the boss design, which is the meat of the game, leaves a lot to be desired most of the time. Killing dwarfs is weirdly amusing though.

It's the first installment of the series and it already outstays its welcome, but it's still one of the better early iOS games.

The definition of a cheap money grab.

No other game manages to mesh bleak trauma and abuse with hilarious gags so perfectly. The dark satirical aesthetic is like no other. The dissonance created from controlling Brad is sharp and a perfect example of how videogames can be machines for understanding really messed up characters.

The broken difficulty curve and aggressive RNG are unfortunately really hard to ignore, so I can't give it a higher score.

It has charm and it's a great way to introduce really small children to gaming, but there's nothing else beyond that.

The most Nintendo game ever, for better and for worse.

Cutesy game with decent mechanics. Nothing impressive, though.

A really dumb premise that constantly made me laugh, but I was glad when I was done with it because of what a chore it becomes during the late game.

Every single character is a complete moron and yet I was amused by them. The open world design is as basic as you can get, but it's functional, so I can't hate it.

I've spent thousands of hours grinding the competitive mode and that hell hasn't made me change my mind about how fun the casual experience is.

The ultimate stealth game.