I like the idea of a first person platformer, but the execution is so messy I can't really consider it a good game.

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The last world expects you to exploit the physics engine and I think that's hilarious.

It tries, but it simply doesn't capture the spirit of the first two. There's a bunch of additions that are meant to modernize the series, but that kills the simplicity that made LBP special.

It's so excellent in everything it does, the only flaw I could find is that I wanted more.

It doesn't make the most out of its mechanics, but it's still a cute puzzle game.

Too repetitive and a bit on the easy side, but it's so creative it doesn't really matter. Finding out what new plants would be used for each section was a joy in itself.

The cost of the DLC plants is ridiculous.

What a stupid concept. I love it.

Adjectives broke this game.

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It's baby's first real-time strategy, so there's not much one can expect of it. I really like that even the villains get their happy ending though.

This was my favorite game as a tween.

This review is for The Journey cause that's the only mode I bothered to play.


Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. However, this would be as great as the original if it weren't for the underground levels.

I made a band with my younger brothers when we were little. We had a ton of fun.

Cute and simple time killer.