Funny characters and cool gameplay.

Very intense and challenging game. It is amazing how well the different scenarios manage to introduce you to the lore and setting of the game and how their different stories are interconnected. These scenarios also offer you different choices that affect your final objectives and how you tackle them, giving you some sort of responsability for your actions.
However, despite being a resource management game, I find its endless mode (sandbox) kinda lacking. Even though the gameplay and mechanics are the same, the lack of a story and objectives to complete (apart from "survive") strips this gamemode from the core experience of the game, reducing it to a test of your abilities to stabilize the resource economy of your settlement. The random events simply don't impact the game enough, so once you've upgraded all your housing and productions to the maximum, there nothing more to do.
Overall, pretty fun if you can afford the DLCs.

Haven't played a main series game since gen 5 and I was surprised to experience a true open world Pokemon. I really enjoyed the fact that players decide the order in which they tackle the game challenges and the gameplay loop between those (finding raids, battling trainers, finding items around, etc), but I would have loved to see some level ranges in the map like an MMO to guide players better so that you don't end up in a higher level zone. The story and lore was somewhat interesting for a Pokemon game and the new gimmick is cool, although hard to use to its full potential in a normal playthrough unless you farm random tera-pokemons to change the tera-type of your own pokemons.
I liked all those small changes to the formula, but the game is really ugly and has many performance issues. It's almost insulting to pay 60$ for a AAA that has so many visual problems. The Switch has many other big titles with amazing graphics and no FPS problems, so there's really no excuse.

They just took the Danganronpa formula and replaced the trials with a wanky set of minigames and random questions about the murder. Solving the trials was pretty much the only thing I enjoyed from these games, so I felt really bored when playing this one.


Pretty cool and fun game, but I would have liked a bit more of lore.

Even though the game is in alpha, it's really fun and complex. There are a lot of game systems deep within that makes everything feel realistic. My only concerns, apart from the HUD and inventory system which feel really clunky, is the inherent difficulty of the game:
The game is designed to kill you really easily (unless you are good at it). You can get surrounded anytime or a lucky zombie wound can make you die of zombification. In the end, even if you lower the zombie quantity or their aggressiveness, you can make a little mistake and lose your character. When you die, the world isn't deleted, but your previous character does, so in short playthroughs this isn't a big deal (you can create a new character, grab a random weapon and kill your zombie version to retrieve the loot), but in long runs you lose all your skill progress, which is a bummer even if your base and loot is still there. In the end, it's not a sandbox I can enjoy playing for too long, but I had so much fun figuring the game mechanics, experimenting with builds and watching other people gameplay.
Once it gets full release, maybe I'll try it again.

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Explorers of Sky has always been my favourite Pokemon game and I had hope for this game, but it's kind of a letdown.
The plot is short and very simple (save the world with the power of friendship) and doesn't extend into the postgame apart from a quest. Also, half of the game is just doing secondary quests until you have to do something important.
I liked some of the new mechanics though, like the moves level or the new recruitment system, but that's really everything there's to it. Really sad to see such wasted potential.

Completed 100% 3 times several years ago out of boredom. My favourite 3D Mario game by far.

How ugly can be game textures? How bad written can be game dialogues? How obtuse and confusing can be game puzzles? These are the questions that this games answers.
A videogame so poorly executed in all possible senses that it is a masterpiece. It's the Morbius of videogames.

Even though there's no time-travelling mechanics and it's just a prequel, I really enjoyed the story and characters. The game is very good at giving you a certain melancholic vibe.

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I feel like the story was too episodic-ish and most characters were irrelevant outside of the episode they belong, however I think it's the most beautiful and sad out of the other two games. I heavily appreciated the appearence of the topics of xenophobia, homophobia and toxic cristianity in the USA, how some people decide to live outside of society norms and live "free" and also all the stuff about the "journey" and the people you meet in the way. It's refreshing from all the family issues and drug abuse that appears in previous games.
I love how you have to balance between advancing in your goal to get to Mexico and being a good role model to your brother, and how those choices reflect in the endings. The fact that there are six endings and that you can't choose them right at the end (your past choices matter) is a huge improvement from previous games.
My only regret is that Max (and Chloe) don't have any importance in the game apart from a few dialogues with David in the last chapter. I was hoping they had some relevance in the plot, but I guess it's sweet how you know what happened after the events of the first game by listening to him.
Overall, a great sequel.

Pretty fun and goofy, but rather short unless you want to go for 100%

The writing is decent and the characters are somewhat interesting, but overall the plot feels sluggish. The elements of terror are sometimes forced, but other times can feel real creepy. I kinda don't like the minigames stuff, some puzzles are good some are not, and the discussion stuff is just Ace Attorney.

The game does an amazing job explaining the historical situation and empathising with the characters and their interests. The gameplay is also fun too, but the game offers you sometimes really advance missions that you can't make in time, and they don't give you anything you can't do choosing other easier missions instead, so in the end I couldn't complete any of these missions but achieved anyways the goals of supporters/gold. Apart from that, really cool game.