What a letdown! I love metroidvanias, but there was very little for me to latch on to here. The focus on so many different weapons being given to the player so quickly without giving them actual purposes killed my interest.

My favorite 2D Mario, even if the colors are a bit washed out. I'm a sucker for slightly different character capabilities in platformers.

Really enjoyable remake with some greatly-needed QOL improvements.

Golf Story leans on the fourth wall a little too much and a little too hard for my liking, but the golf is solid and I enjoyed exploring the world. I wish the alternative golf modes (mini golf and disc golf especially) were replayable.

Pretty fun mobile game. I enjoy listening to my music and having the sound effects still run. Most characters don't mesh as well with the level design as Mario, unfortunately.

Love it. Much harder than Sky, but not impossibly so.

Fun experience, but the difficulty curve is obliterated by sidequests which I really want to do. Really enjoyed having multiple partner pokemon & Barlowe is a king.

The gameplay's been refined but I hate the segmented world. Final area is really cool, though. A shame I could never get enough people together for the multiplayer.

Definitely has too much water. I also generally don't enjoy Hoenn's design as much as most other regions. Still a fun time and a fun adventure.

It's okay. I think I'll be more likely to return to generation 1 itself than its remake. I'm a firm believer that gen 3 is held back a ton by its lack of a physical/special split, and FR/LG don't even have the benefit of gen 2 & 3 pokemon being easily available for party freedom, leaving it in an awkward spot.

My first pokemon game and I still love it. What a disaster the engine is, though. Platinum shined up these diamonds in the rough and made them excellent, so I can't recommend playing Diamond or Pearl.

Strong contender for the best mainline Pokemon game. I've always loved Sinnoh and all the baggage that that entails.

I love that they created an entirely new Pokedex for this entry. Gave me a lot of new favorites.