Zekrom is so much better than Reshiram that I'm gonna give White an extra half star.

Wicked sick, to borrow the parlance of the times. I love Mega Man X!

Didn't like this nearly as much as X. Feels like it's missing something.

Hard as hell to play to max efficiency. I still have trouble with the first level, but the rest of it gets a bit easier.

This is where the Zero subseries got really fantastic, in my opinion. Elpizo was an incredibly fun antagonist to take down.

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Difficulty spikes hurt, but I still love this game. Great music and art really help it to garner goodwill.

Taking down the final boss for the first time and the conclusion that follows are lodged permanently in the front of my mind.

I can't help loving this game. I've always been a sucker for somewhat unintuitive maps in games and, well, this game's map is certainly unintuitive.

Copying Reploids is a fun idea that really doesn't do much for me at the end of the day.

The GOAT. Cases 3, 4, and 5 are some of the highest heights of the series.

Case 4 is excellent and may be the best case in the series, even twenty years later.
Turnabout Big Top isn't as bad as most people say.
Even still, JFA is the weakest entry in the original trilogy. I don't like cases 1 or 2 at all.

Really strong, but I just don't much care for the Fey family's drama and the overwhelming presence of spiritual powers.
Cases 2 and 4 are some of my favorites in the series.

Incredibly bold and with a soundtrack that just won't quit, but it's retroactively damaged by the series' unwillingness to stick with the new cast of characters it began to develop here. While I enjoy cases 2 and 3 more than most people and really enjoy case 4, the game still feels like it's missing a case, and that really holds it back from the standard set by the first three games.

Weakest in the series. Apollo is unceremoniously shoved aside for Phoenix who has regressed to the man he was eight years prior and Athena is shoehorned in without much development, instead feeling more like a prop for the final case. I wish they'd been handled better.

Stronger than Dual Destinies but I hate the nation hopping and how severely they jumped the shark in the final case. Still, the final case has some excellent twists and case 4 was surprisingly enjoyable. Athena is reduced to a footnote in this game, but I really like her banter with Simon in case 4.