45 reviews liked by Grammarhead

sometimes i play mario 64 and i think "god, what an incredible game. this truly changed the industry forever. such a monumental achievement." other times i play mario 64 and think "man fuck this snowman."

cortana could say some marvel quip shit like "uh oh... he's right behind me isn't he" and i would eat it up like chicken dinner yes queen you're so funny

"I don't know what to do about the frame rate shit," I say, staring at the laptop screen on my picnic table. "It's so boring to talk about, and everyone's aware of them. They're not even that big of a deal. BUT they're significant enough that it feels wrong to act like it's not a thing at all."

"Tinkaton," Tinkaton responds sympathetically before golf-swinging a boulder into a passing Corviknight, snapping it's neck and killing it instantly. Tonight, the team will dine well



Yeah the Pope didn't like this one too much.

missing an arm and leg, my body is caked in my own blood

"S-skill issue!"

Great game and Tidal Plant Zone

i haven't tilted this hard since league of legends

its a good game but i will never forgive nintendo for the limitation of a single island per console