I fully understand it is not for everyone, but I love this humor so much. Every bit of the dialogue and environment is a joyful experience. The gameplay is fun and interesting as well. The variety of guns makes discovering them cool and rewarding. it has a sort of unique take on a rogue-lite game, with only some of the map being randomized. I do prefer the previous one, but this is an amazing sequel. Sir turnip boy has done it again.

The combination between peacefulness and subtle horror within this game is amazing. The synthesis of animal and machine elements was very well done and made it scary but in a beautiful way. The actual puzzle mechanics are fairly simple but they feel very unique. I never personally felt stumped very often, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Just walking through this landscape would have been enough of an experience. There is just an added benefit of some cool puzzles.

Just. So. Smoooooth. Swinging through the city is one of the most satisfying game play experiences I have ever had. That and an emotional roller coaster of a story makes up for any of the downfalls of the rest of the game. Which, the main one for me was the game being a bit on the easy side. All of the boss were cool fights thematically, but none of them were challenging as you might expect. The combat in general is something I have mixed feelings about. While the core elements of combat are very basic, there is plenty of cool and exciting spidy tricks to spice it up. And finally there are of course plenty spidy/pete easter eggs, which is always a fun time. All around, this game truly makes you feeeeel like Spider-man.

The best platformer I have seen or played hands down. Not only is it a beautiful atmosphere and heartwarming story, but the game play is just so SMOOTH. It never really felt awkward or rigid. It just flowed, the whole time. The secrets are doable and fun and there is plenty of challenging stuff to go around. I am very proud to say that I am one of the few people in the world that is really good friends with some who golden strawberried Farewell. Even watched them do it. Remarkable experience.

This is a pretty standard open world RPG. The map is mostly filled with collectables, which is fun for a little. Main quest did it's job but I felt that the side character mission are what I cared about the most. The combat was satisfying, but repetitive. I did love all the unique interactions spells had with different enemies. Where this game really shines is the atmosphere, specifically in Hogwarts. As an avid fan of the Harry Potter series for some 10 or so years, it allowed me to feel as if I was walking through Hogwarts. All the little details just make it feel magical, make it feel right. It's nothing ground breaking, but it certainly gives Harry Potter vibes all the way through.

The best welcome to PlayStation I could have imagined. The open world limits you, but just enough to make it feel full. And right as it starts to get mundane, something new is introduced. Puzzles are not the most complicated by any means but their still fun and the combat thrives in its personalization capabilities. And all that is nothing compared to captivating story surrounding it all. The main story essentially forced me to keep playing because I needed to know what happened. But the beautifully written side quests kept me playing longer than I should have. It feels amazing to see the work you put in the main quest AND the side quest change the world around you. One of the few games to make me cry. Truly beautiful.


The only rouge-lite that has truly grasped my attention. Extremely satisfying combat with a wide array of ways to play. But the story is what makes it truly stand out for me. It always made me want to keep going. My 13 year old Percy Jackson brain goes crazy with all the Greek mythology.